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                              Wikipedia defines honesty as "the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully and with fairness." Merrican-Webster defines honesty as "a fairness and straightforwardness of conduct." People define honesty as grace and truthfulness, not being lied to or portrayed with deceitful events.

                              But you know what? We all lie, even those good people who value honesty above almost everything. Lying is a fundamental need for people in our society who can be retched, evil, and deceitful for their advantage and prosperity.

                              The feeling of being deceived is horrible and may hurt people deeply depending on how serious the case is. There are actual people who are exactly like you but aren't at all. Waking up day after day in the morning and not knowing whether or not they are living their lives as lies. Whether their name is really their name, their family really their family, the place they've grown up in and learned to admire and believe is truly theirs and not someone else.

                             It's a horrific reality that some people live and the worst part of being lied to is knowing you were not worthy of the truth.

(A/N This is the improved version of Misled [an old story] and I think its safe to say I'm more comfortable with this book than I was before because now I have all my thoughts calm and collected so yeah

I know a few of you will ignore these authors notes I honestly suggest you don't because the few times I do them there will be something important included and I hope you enjoy! :)

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