Ch.1 "The Move"

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       This place is starting to look so empty now, thought Ashley, as she looked at the bare room that was once so full of furniture and memories. The paintings that once hung on the wall, Family photos, grandma's old hutch that used to sit in the corner collecting dust. Ashley finished tapeing up the last box as tears were welling up in her eyes. Well old house, Ashley said with a sad sigh, I guess this is goodbye! Ashley walked out carrying the final box. She took one last look at her childhood home, She wiped her eyes, quickly gained her composure as she hopped into the moving truck. On to a new life she proclaimed! New Hampshire here I come! This was going to be a long drive. An hour into her travels, Ashley couldn't help but to notice her surroundings.  The sky is so beautiful Ashley thought to herself as the sun was sinking and evening was approaching, she couldn't help but to admire the shimmering sun on the waters and the golden beam of lights turning the sky Orange and pink. Honk!! Hoooonk!!! A startled Ashley snapped out of her blissful train of thought to a loud blaring sound of a car horn. Ashley swerved to the left and then quickly regained traction as she looked in the mirror to see what the fuss was all about, Honk! Honk! A grey pickup truck was trailing her driving like a maniac. Ashley's heart was beating so fast and loud she can hear it in her ears. Ashley slowed down and the truck zoomed past her. idiot! She thought! Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive. Ashley turned on the radio to calm her nerves. Some soothing music should do it. What is there to eat around here? Ashley said as she felt her stomach turning, she looked left and right desperate to see a sign indicating a restaurant nearby but nothing. These back country roads are so dark and eerie this time a night Ashley thought, wait a minute what time is it? She leaned forward to grab her phone it was 10:13 pm  oh man it may be too late for any restaurants Ashley professed sadly. Just as she thought all hope was lost, up ahead she saw an exit sign for food, gas, and motel. Feeling blessed she took the exit. Everything I need on one stop she said with a laugh. Ashley pulled up to this quaint little cafe, she didn't quite no where she was but at that moment she didn't care she just knew she was hungry. Ashley walked in and looked around, this place is so charming is all Ashley could think as she admired antiques placed around the cafe. Can I help you? A woman's voice broke in, Ashley turned to see a waitress standing there adjusting her glasses and notepad ready in hand. This is a beautiful place you have here replied Ashley. Your not from around here I see? The waitress asked, no ma'am I'm on my way to new Hampshire! Where from asked the waitress well I'm leaving Kansas, I just needed a fresh start said Ashley. Well good for you replied the waitress welcome to Ohio! now what can I get you? I'll have the steak and eggs and some coffee replied Ashley. The waitress took down her order and walked away. As Ashley waited the bell rang as someone else entered the cafe, a tall lanky man with greasy hair and a scraggely beard walked in and took a seat at a table across from Ashley, instantly Ashley felt uneasy. Ashley nervously looked down at a menu as pretending to be reading it. She felt the man staring at her Ashley looked up for a brief moment then back at the menu, the man was keeping his gaze on her and began tapping the table with his fingers. Ashley tried not to pay any attention, Ashley was then startled as the man got up making his way in her direction. He pulled the chair out and sat down. He was reaking of beer and cigarettes. Your pretty he exclaimed! Ashley tried to form a nervous smile, thanks she replied faintly. What's a pretty girl like you traveling alone at night for? He asked with a somewhat disturbing grin. I, I, I'm not alone Ashley stuttered out! my my boyfriend is over at the motel booking a room for us. Leave that young lady alone Thomas! said the waitress as she was approaching Ashley with the food. The man got up and sat back at his table. Don't mind Thomas said the waitress and by the way my name is Diane. So you know him? asked Ashley, Lord Yes child he comes in here every night, he seems a little off but he's harmless no worries Diane replied and went on her way. Ashley couldn't get passed her discomfort but quickly ate her meal so she could leave. As Ashley paid the check the man kept his eerie gaze on her. As she walked past him to exit he grabbed her arm and said 'I know you came alonse' Ashley feeling terrified jerked her arm away and scurried to her truck. Taking a moment to stop from shaking Ashley sat in the driver's seat thinking the worst. No! not again! I will not be a victim again Ashley said to herself loudly, Never! Ashley started up the truck and drove a few yards to the motel to purchase a room for the night.

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