11. H I D E & S E E K

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Ivy's P

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Ivy's P.O.V

By the time I reach Evelyn's office, I take a quick search to see if there are any signs of Chace, knocking at her door a little too rapidly. This is really immature of me to be doing such a thing to him, and I hate myself for considering it. But I need to find something to keep my mind occupied and not wallow in self-pity.

I can't keep running away from Chace for eternity, we do, after all, share a room together. When was the last time I haven't seen him without me being there at the same place, right timing?

"Come on in!" Evelyn calls out, I push the handle down and walk-in. Tilting her head up, she greets me with that infamously huge, welcoming smile. "Please have a seat," She says, removing her glasses and cleaning the lens with the hem of her shirt.

I weakly smile back, pulling out a chair and brushing the back of my jeans before sitting down.

"Honey, is everything alright? Your eyes seem a little red."

I shrug my shoulders, managing a forced laugh while pulling at the corner skin of my thumbs, anxiety growing stronger with every minute passing by.

"Oh no, I'm fine! Really. I'm just a little worried about the upcoming exams and submission deadlines for my assignments."

"Don't be! There's no need to get tensed. You have plenty of time to prepare, and it isn't like High-School where they ask tricky, rocket science questions. I absolutely detest the school system these days." Evelyn says, crossing her arms. "Anyhow, what brings you here? How can I be of help?"

"I was wondering if there are any internship opportunities available for first semester students?"

"Hmm..." she taps the tip of her pen against the table repeatedly, taking her time to think. "

"Normally, first semester students don't start work until the second or third semester, because I want them to take it slow and easy. But if you are looking for experience and you want to keep yourself equipped, I'm not sure if I could call this luck or pure coincidence, but I just got off the phone from a close friend of mine whose son, Adrien, started his own company. Apparently, he's looking for someone who has the knack to be ingenious and can think out of the box as far as creativity is concerned. Basically, he needs an assistant designer".

"I remember your mother showing me some of your designs, must I say you are very talented. If you have a flash drive that contains some of your work, I can give my friend your reference and also see if I can schedule an interview for you."

"Really?" I try not to sound too eager. "That would be great if it isn't too much to ask." I search in the front pocket of my handbag and hand Evelyn my pen-drive. "Are there any documents I should provide?"

"Not exactly, but a valid ID, passport size photograph attached to your CV and your contact details, just-in-case anything comes up. Because it is kind of challenging to get in touch with Adrien since he's an extremely busy guy."

I get up and leave her office after giving out the required information. I suddenly feel a strong pair of hands encircling my waist and I find myself being lifted and carried upside down, hanging from Chace's muscular shoulder as his hand is possessively firm around my butt. "What the hell?" I exclaim, breathing going rigid. "Chace! Put me down right this instant!"

"Nada. I have no intention of putting you down, you might as well remain quiet throughout the rest of the ride." He wickedly remarks. Using my foot, I kick his rock hard stomach only to end up yelping in pain. "Ow!"

"Do that again and I'm going to do the unthinkable, seeing to it where  everybody will be there to watch." He says, slapping my ass.

"Screw you," I raise my head slightly to catch my breath. "You can't force me to go on a stupid riding spree with you! Chace, I can't breathe and I am not interested!"

"Keep those pretty lips shut or I'm going to moisten them up. Do you want that?"
Chace warns huskily, enunciating every word, every sentence, walking towards his motorcycle. He stops and gently places me on the seat of his bike, handing me his helmet. I toss it back to him, swinging my leg to get off but he grabs my arm hauling me down.

"Why do you have to be such a douche?"

"I want to show you something and I'm not asking you to have faith in me yet."
He calmly says, a muscle tensing his jaw. Strapping his gloves, he settles himself in front of me shifting his bike into neutral, turning the ignition on and starting the engine.

"If this is the part where my hands go around your waist, I do have a death wish."

"Suit yourself, Hurricane."

I'm caught off guard almost losing my balance when he starts to ride. I immediately hug him from behind, wishing I had longer nails so I could claw him to his grave.


Chace's P.O.V

"Would you care to fucking elaborate on why am I under the impression like this is my fault? Are you telling me that I have to calculate this algorithm about why women are so complicated?" 

I slam my fists against the countertop in complete frustration, causing some of the customers sitting next to me to spill their drinks on themselves, one of them turning to give me a dirty look.

"Watch it, kid. This shit's hot".

"Bet you can't even bend forward to see your own dick." I shoot back at the balding idiot of an old man, whose belly is ridiculously huge.
I wouldn't be surprised if one day he inflates and his eyes are as good as rolled back.

He doesn't say anything except grunting in response, mumbling a few curses, thinking I'm dumb enough to not hear him. I press my teeth together to suppress my laughter.

"You aren't going to land yourself anywhere if you can't learn to control that tongue."
Irene proceeds to polish the glasses.

I take a sip of my coffee, snorting in amusement. "You curious to know what other hidden talents my tongue is capable of?"

She gives me a death stare, propping her elbows on the island, resting her chin at the back of her palms and bends forward exposing more cleavage which I think is deliberate.

"The point here, Lambert,  is Ivy wants to give you a reason to be able to trust, not only you but the other people around her as well. What she really wants is for you to be a friend, listen and be there for her even if she doesn't want to tell you what it is that is troubling her. Give her that comfort by not being a pushover, make it seem natural," Irene says, reaching for my hand and placing her hands on top of mine giving it a small squeeze.

"Take her out for ice cream, go for a walk ... make her feel like she is needed. It's what Kiara and I did when we had our first fight. This is the first time where a girl like Ivy means so much to you."

I look back to see Hurricane and shift my focus back at the road, remembering what Irene said to me at the restaurant. Driving off to someplace quiet where the girl with sun-kissed blonde hair sitting behind with her arms around my hips, she can find reasons to be herself again.

Reasons where I am involved.

Reasons where she realizes that she means a lot more to me than what I thought I already knew, and me being stupid enough to not have noticed it sooner.

Something more, where we aren't just attracted to each other.

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