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Beth POV

My name is Beth and I am 27yrs old I became homeless at a very young age because my parents couldn't afford to pay the rent and I haven't seen my parents since I don't know if they are dead or alive or trying to keep my safe I'm just so confuse I am walking around the neighborhood of Los Angeles trying to find some food and this couple saw me digging in the trash and instead they offer to buy me food thank god finally somebody is being nice

They brought her food and gave her money she thanked them and went back to her spot it began to rain and she had nowhere to go and she had no friends cause they all changed on her when she became homeless after they told her they would be there and now she's lonely

She began to cry cause she has no one to talk to or comfort her somebody typed her shoulder and it was a man that I never seen before he gave me Some food and I thanked him ...I began eating I was so hungry thankfully the man noticed and gave me some food least we do have people that still care ...after I was done I fell asleep

Michael POV

I came into the house cause it was raining then I turned on the news and they said there are a lot of homeless people out there that are hungry and nobody wants to feed them what kind of people are they letting people be hungry like that

Michael made dinner for tonight and got ready for bed he turned the tv off and took his 🚿 after that he closed and locked the door and got in bed

A week later

Beth POV

Everything is going by ok I'm still on the street and people are starting to notice me and bring me food expect for this one lady who came up to me and said I deserve to be homeless and nobody wants me it made me upset but at the same time I had to remain to let her know that it doesn't hurt me even though deep down it do ...People started bashing her because of that

Nobody know this but I have been cutting myself since I was twelve years old since then it became a habit and I can't stop cause it feels so good when I do it I just want a home that's all I'm asking that's when the lady left she couldn't take the heat that people were giving her comes to show who she really is at a person

A paper flew her way and it was a picture of Michael Jackson ...She's heard of him but never saw him in person she looked at it and he was giving invasions to come to neverland and have fun he had rollercoasters a barn food court etc to bad I can't go oh well

She threw it in the trash and just laid down ...this little girl was with her mother and asked her mother if she could give her some money and food the mother was happy to know that her daughter wanted to do something nice...She placed the money and food down while she was asleep also the mother left a extra hundred dollars with a note inside she was proud that her daughter is doing something good and deserves an award

They walked off and let her sleep it was a quiet night in Los angles and She woke up

Beth POV

It was a quiet night where I'm at and I looked to see money and food somebody must of dropped it off when I was asleep I opened the note and I felt happy they gave me food and some money so I began eating the food was so good I went to a lake and washed my hands and dried them off of being homeless I don't know how long I can take this

Beth walked around the quiet neighborhood and saw the cookie store was still open she walked in and saw all the delicious cookie the cashier felt bad and told her that she can take it for free and gave her some cold water she was thankful and walked away soon as she left he closed the shopped and went home to his family

Beth went back to her spot and began eating the cookies and drinking the water that the man gave her it felt so good to have some water in her system

Beth POV

That water felt so good and it was cold I don't like room temperature water it's nasty but it felt good to have water in my system I put the rest of the cookies in my wallet and went to sleep well goodnight world

She slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep nobody knew she was out there cause it was to dark out

Michael woke up and went to the bathroom

Michael POV

I came to the bathroom and my mind was still on the news people can be so cruel and rude there are people out there hungry and starving they don't seem to care they need more people like me in this world cause this is unacceptable

After he was finished he washed his hands and got back in bed it hurt Michael to know that people are treating homeless people and children badly ...they need more people in the world to help them and not go against them like they always do it is not fair it's wrong and disrespectful and shows who they really are as a person Michael on the other hand loves to help others he was put on this earth to help others in need and show love like no other artist will ever do but that's ok cause he's not changing for anybody

He laid back down turned the light off and went back to sleep

Next chapter is coming

Homeless-Michael Jackson love story Where stories live. Discover now