lilac profile

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Name: Lilac Ramon

Real Name: [REDACTED]

Nickname: Lily Ramon ( only MJ will call lilac, Lily

Age: 16,19,or 23

Date Of Birth : nobody knows her birthday except MJ and herself but her birthday is *REDACTED* don't let anybody else know that so they just think that she cannot age since she stays short she's so very short she's shorter than Ben and Toby which is taller than Sally

Hieght: 5'0 yeah I told you she is short

Weight: I haven't quite figured out for exact weight yet so for now I'm just going to say that she's an average weight for her height

Appearance: she has a boy's haircut dirty blonde hair and some of her lives she has blue streaks in her hair are usually the solid dirty blond she has hazel eyes in her demon form she has purple eyes sort of a lilac color she has pale skin pale Peach freckles I quite small feminine body yet her clothes usually cover it up she's usually found wearing sweatpants boy shorts baggy t-shirt she also has this necklace that she always wears is black string in the crystal shape that is that is dark purple almost black what are missions she can be found wearing a dark sweater she usually has some worn-out sneakers on most likely Grey eyes are in almond shape she has a baby face which leads to go to think that she's a kid in a boy she also has a very low voice but you can change your voice to sound very feminine if she wants to she can also sound like a child which one she does that it's very creepy so that's her appearance just trying to imagine that in your head inner demon form the teeth are almost thing like where her canines are supposed to be when in human form she does not have canines they are still growing in took the very long time.

He's just Trans

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