"Into The Mind"(Chapter Five)

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    My name is Barry Allen and I've made a mistake. Upon the defeat of Savitar The Speed Force opened up, I had to go in. It was my penance for Flash Point no one else deserved this punishment. Knowing it was time to leave I had to say good bye to everyone, I slipped the ring into Cisco's pocket knowing he could get it to her, he had to. As I was heading into the Speed Force the last thing on my mind was Kara.

   Inside the Speed Force all I felt was alone. 

    I lived in a constant state of fighting, Every enemy I've ever faced was here from Snart, to Zoom, everyone. One after the other until something weird came up. One-by-one my opponents fell, but this time their was something new. A new enemy approached, at first I thought it was Kara. As the opponent grew closer I saw someone else, she was wearing a black outfit with some sort of symbol in the middle, but the weirdest thing was she was wearing a mask that covered her whole forehead. 

   Knowing this will be a hard fight Barry picks up a stick, a wooden stick, to beat a kryptonian to death? 

   The kryptonian charges at full speed, Barry expecting this side steps and begins to phase the stick itself. The kryptonian misses and Barry inserts the stick into her chest. Realizing her mistake she grits her teeth and pulls out the stick.and charges again as the wound heals. Barry having no other idea keeps evading and dodging all her attacks. Soon enough she blasts him with heat vision burning and charing his knee and causing him to collapse.

   On the ground Barry was helpless he could not run or escape he was screwed. The kryptonian approaches Barry and begins to assault him. The first punch fractured  ribs and punctures a lung, the second hit breaks his other leg, the third brakes an arm and dislocates the same arm. By the time the third punch hit Barry's body already healed from the first. The kryptonian just kept the loop going. By the end of the assault Barry lost track of time and now has permanent nerve damage to those areas of his body.Day in and day out Barry Allen became a rag doll. Out of energy from all the healing Barry was only able to move on one thought, her, he had to move for her. The kryptonian came back the next day and the next until something new changed, his setting.

    Barry Allen knew he was back on Earth-One out of the Speed Force. Whenever he tried to communicate his thoughts only one word would come out. After realizing that Barry began to try to explain him self with writing. But whenever Barry tried to write all he could write were hieroglyphics, even more surprising was that Barry understood them immediately. After trying to write Barry soon got ticked off to the point of using super speed, which landed him in his predicament.

    Barry was in a cell at S.T.A.R. Labs, not having anything else to do Barry continued writing. That was until someone else came in and it was Kara. Seeing Kara for the first time in what felt years put a giant smile on his face. 

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