Try Not To Fall <Doctor Who FanFic>

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"Mother!" my daughter River/Melody yelled running towards us with excitment upon her face. turning around i smiled and embraced her in a hug.

"River! Good thing your here! The TARDIS is being stubborn" the Doctor said wanking on one of the buttons. Rory just chuckled shaking his head.

"Before i help the TARDIS...i have wonderful news! I HAVE A SISTER!" She said smiling hugging me tighter.

"Whoa. that means i have another kid. a baby girl" Tears were surrounding t he rims of my eyes for i am so happy. i felt Rory's warm hands set themselves on my shoulders. This got the Doctors attention.

"Whats her name? What does she look like?" The Doctor asked eyeing us all closely. I knew not to question. River pressed her index finger to her lips as a smirk found its way on her face.

"Spoilers" She said laughing to herself.

<Anevay's POV>

"Come again?" Dlyan asked raising his eye brows. i sighed running my fingers through my long red hair and shook it out a bit.

"the Daleks are in a meeting right now so we can sneak through the basement to get back whats rightfully mine...and we can blow that place up" i explained again putting my Sonic Screwdriver in my left combat boot. He just nodded and got his eyeglass and attached it to his left eye.

Slowly we stepped out of the tool shed and into the cold snowy arena. Dlyan sniffed the air once and nodded his head singling that its clear to go. I started my way towards the door that was covered my the white fluffy snow. the door was set on the ground. Makinmg my fingers go numb as i dug the snow away. Dlyan stayed on watch. Damn prick.! Once i got to the door i smiled. Taking outmy Sonic Screwdriver i flashed it over the door making a bright red light flash over the lock. Yes vitory its unlock!

Grabbing the hem of Dlyan's jumper i jerked my head towards the now open door. He of course went in first and then i followed. it was so dark inside to the point i couldnt see my hands. Dlyan took my arm and lead the way. Oh yeah forgot about his eyeglass. it is able to see in the dark!. he stopped suddenly and moved my forward. Lifting up my hand/arm my fingers brushed against wood. Smooth wood. I wanted to cry. My beautiful, beautiful TARDIS! Quickly i pushed open the doors and walked inside. So fudging beautiful!!! Dlyan went and started fiddling with the buttons. then again because the Gods hate me so much! There was a smash against my TARDIS.

"EXTERMINATE!" a Dalek yelled from outside. I looked at Dlyan. Dlyan looked at me. Then we both at the same time started to try to get the TARDIS to work.

"Come on baby!' I yelled at the TARDIS. there was more banging from outside. Finally it started working.

"The things you make me go through" Dlyan said joking around smiling.

"You know i could just take you back to your home planet." i spoke emotionless. His face dropped and he stayed quiet until the TARDIS landed. Smiling i ran outside. We. Are. On.....

Earth!? WTF!?

"OI! Doctor care to explain whats happening?" I heard a females voice said. It sounded so familar....

"Who are you?" = heard Dlyan ask someone. My back was facing him so i couldnt see who he is talking to. Turning around i saw four people. A woman with light red hair, a man with dark hair holding hands with the woman, another woman with curly brown hair and tan skin, and then another man...He was dressed so weirdly....Who wears bowties nowadays?....and he has a weird chin...other then that he was adorably cute and fit. His eyes looked so old but was still bright and he had a lean body figure.

"i could ask the same thing" The fit guy asked. The girl with curly hair just stared at me smiling. Awkward...

"Sister" She said smiling at me. That causes everyones eyes to land on me.

"sister? You have a sister now Annie?" Dlyan asked using the nickname he made up for mem.

"it would be impossible. All my family died in a massive fire except me." i explain to him not looking at anyobe else but the woman whom called me 'sister'.

"no thats not true. You were lied to. Im your sister snd this is mother and father" She said stepping forward. Tucking a piece of red hair behind my ear she smiled. Her eyes twinkled.

"so this is my long lost daughter?" The other woman asked. She looked like she was about to cry from joy.

"your name?" She asked gripping onto the man next to her.

"Anevay. Anevay River Williams" I said stepping away from them and closer to Dlyan.

"Well Anna. Im the Doctor"


hey! hope you all liked it! 3 or more likes and/or comments for next chap! Anywhore Lou-Lou if your reading this...STOP STARING AT ME YOUR CREEPY NI AND ME OUT!!!! and Li is your reading this....GO TO THE KITCHEN AND COOK ALREADY STOP STALLING NI AND I ARE HUNGRY!!!!

imma call my readers my lil fuzzy bunnies!

mostly cuz Ni dislikes bunnies but i love and think they are adorable!

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