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minho stretched, and looked around his room that was slowly being filled with sunlight. he grabbed his pillow and covered his head with it. he was about to fall asleep, and he would've, if not for his mother barging in. "lee minho! get your butt up, im not letting you be late to the first day of school!" she shouted in her motherly tone. "i'll go tomorrow." he groaned. "its friday, theres only one day this week." her voice was getting louder, and then the pillow was pulled off of minho's face. "fine im up!" he groaned. hed rather go to school than deal with this. she smiled victoriously with her hands on her hips, before striding out of the room.

he got out of bed, with his eyes still closed, and made his way to his dresser. he wasnt watching where he was going, and his eyes shot open as he stubbed his toe. he winced in pain and limped the rest of the way to his dresser. he found some light blue jeans with rips pretty much everywhere, a black hoodie, and a white t-shirt that stuck out underneath the hoodie. he went into the bathroom, and sat his clothes on the counter. he stared at himself in the mirror with a blank expression for a couple of seconds, before making finger guns, and starting the shower.

once it was hot enough, he took off his clothes and stepped in. "ooh man thats a little hot." he laughed to himself, turning it down a little. he started jamming out to his own voice rapping 'wow' by 3racha. they were this small group that was rumored to be people from their school.

no one knew of course, because of the stage names, but minho wanted to find out. he was a big fan boy. he stopped rapping, because he got soap in his eye. "ouch fuck- gEt ouT." he screeched, aggressively trying to get soap out of his eye. he sighed in relief once it was out, then he heard his mom knocking. "is everything okay in there?" she asked worriedly. "oh yeah its all good i just got soap in my eye!" he yelled back, earning a laugh from his mother.

he finished up in the shower, and dried himself quickly. he put his clothes on, then styled his hair. he smirked at himself in the mirror, and made finger guns yet again. "hey gorgeous, i bet your day js gonna go great." he talked to himself. "oh heck yeah it is. gotta go we'll talk later, right?" he asked himself. "yes. so long, mirror!" he laughed, running out of the bathroom. he put socks and shoes on, grabbed his bag, gave his mom a kiss on the cheek, and left for school.

he got in his sleek black car, and drove to school. he parked in his normal parking spot, and locked his car, entering the building. he saw his friends woojin, felix, and jeongin all crowded around a phone. he walked up and tapped on woojin's shoulder. "what are you guys doing?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "jeongin showed them some cute cat video, and they wont stop watching it. its honestly concerning." he said with a smile. "ah i see. why dont you just take the phone?" minho looked to the two boys, then back to woojin. "i tried, jeongin almost bit me." he said, holding his own hand that jeongin almost bit. minho choked back a laugh. "b-bit you?" he said, putting his hand to his lips to stop himself from laughing at woojin's pain. "yes, bit me!" he said, raising his finger, about to flick minho, but the day was saved.

seungmin magically appeared. "hey guys!" he smiled and waved. "hey seungmin, come look at this cat video." jeongin motioned for him to join them. he nodded and went to watch the video. "legend has it, that they never stopped watching the video." a voice came from behind them. it was chan, and jisung was by his side.

minho and woojin chuckled in unison. "hey chan, and hi jisung." woojin smiled, waving at both of them. they waved back with smiles. felix looked up from the phone, and directed his attention to chan. "wheres changbin?" he asked. "i havent seen him." chan shrugged. then out of nowhere, changbin appeared. he hugged felix from behind with a small smile on his face. "im right here." he said as felix turned to face him. it was pretty obvious they were dating, but they still denied it. jeongin faked a gag, while secretly wanting to be like that with his longtime crush, bang chan.

minho smiled at his friends, and looked over to his side. his smile grew when he saw jisung look away as soon as their eyes met. "i gotta get my stuff before first hour." minho spoke, walking away after waving. he made his way to his locker, put his bag inside and got all his stuff that he needed. after he made sure his locker was locked, he went to class and sat his stuff down in the very back corner.

the day passed pretty quickly, with teachers introducing themselves, and discussing their summer. minho and all his friends agreed to hangout after school, and they were going to the arcade, and maybe the skate park. they weren't gonna go until six pm, so minho went home and got his stuff ready. he filled his backpack with snacks and..possibly spray paint..?

a couple hours had passed and it was now five pm. minho forgot about the skate park until now, so he went downstairs and into his garage. he grabbed his skateboard and held it under his arm as he walked back into his room. he shoved it as far into the bag as it could go, then zipped it up around it.

minho took his stuff downstairs. "ill be back late. if im not back by 3 am, then ill be at one of the boys houses." minho told his mom. "okay. have fun honey, and be careful." she smiled at him. "love you, mom. ill see you later." "love you too."

minho got in his car and made his way to the store. he got some energy drinks. he debated on using his fake ID and getting alcohol, but he decided against it. he went to the cash register and put the drinks on the counter. he cringed at the lady who unbuttoned her shirt a lot. after he got his stuff and was about to head out the door he paused. "button your shirt. your boobs are saggy."

he drove to the arcade, seeing his friends cars. he walked in and saw his friends at a vending machine. he walked up to them with a smile. "did you guys play anything yet?" he asked, looking to changbin. "so far all we've played is 'try to get the candy out of the vending machine'." he stated sarcastically, using air quotes.

minho looked to the vending machine and saw chan shaking it, obviously annoyed. "move aside." jisung said in his fake cool guy voice, earning a chuckle from minho. jisung sat in front of the machine, and reached inside. he grabbed the candy that was dangling from the slot thing, and pulled it out of the machine. they all cheered and hugged jisung, and two people were attempting to pick him up at the same time. minho laughed and cheered along with them all.

word count 1259.

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