Where it all began

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Dipper pines pulled off of the shoulder of the road and got out of his car. A red 1986 Ford. He walked out to the cliff line. He saw the beautiful sunset, it was all you could imagine like a movie  in one of those cliché moments. He went to take a picture of it when he heard weeping in the woods. He ventured in hoping to find somebody and help them, but then he found her. Jam jam was running around like a maniac with a goose chasing her. To quickly get out of the incident Dipper took out his BB gun and shot the goose.  She was 18 now he could make his own decisions. The goose didn't die it merely squawked and ran away. Dipper ran over to Jam jam and asked quietly in a hushed tone "Excuse me are you Okay?" 
"Yes that crazy animal might have had rabies it was attempting to attack me"jam jam replyed
"Well then I am glad that I got here in time to save you from the monsterous goose!" Dipper said laughing with amusement.
With slight tear and blush in her eye jam jam responded "I was just really really scared. You can go now I don't need you anymore!"  She huffed and walked away. But dipper ran after her "no really it's Okay it was just a joke please come down here why don't I take you back to my shop so we can clean up that nasty scrape on your leg!?" Dipper said in anguish
"Oh! I must've scraped my self  while running!" She said suprized.
Dipper bent down as Jam jam went to stand up again and they hit their selves on their heads.
"Sorry!!" They both said in synchronization.
Their faces turned red.

JamJam and DipperWhere stories live. Discover now