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(I normally don't do disclaimers only in the chapters needed but I'll do one here at the start of this book. this will not be like the rest of the Blackblood books, one reason is I've learned more since then and am not as restricted to what to write by inhibition. for example second book with Ash and just mention of rape now I will somewhat go further and another reason is because they are old books and all and this is newer so the writing style has gotten the smallest bit different.


This is a warning for abuse, suicide attempts and possible rape, if you don't do with any of these please stick to the main story and don't read this spin off since her life is a shit show at the start.

Oh and for those that care for consistency, I forgot what color wolf I gave Ashley so it will be a light brown/gold like in the book's picture but tell me it isn't that.)

14 years ago:
3rd person pov:

Kids played, adults chatted, old napped and teen trained on this bright sunny day's evening in the Blackblood pack.

Birds chirped and played in the air, no one suspecting the tragedy that would soon befall them as a large grey wolf stared down into the valley the small village of wolves resided, evil grin painted upon his maw. The rouge's only goal was to become the strongest pack there was and didn't care what it took, those that wouldn't submit would perish.

"You can't catch me!" Yelled a blue haired little girl while laughing and running from her sister.

"Not fair!" The other girl pouted, frustrated tears in her eyes.

"Ash don't cry." The blue haired twin older by a few minutes hugged the annoyed brunette.

"But you always better in everything!"

"Remember what mama said."

"It is because you alpha, what is that alpha?"

"Yeah even though I don't know what it is...You can be alpha too!"


"Yeah let's just be alpha together! So, we both special!"


"Asher! Ashley! Dinner!" Their mother called from the house.

"Yay!" They both raced over to the woman.

In the silence of the night the rogues got moving.

"Good, they are asleep finally took so lon--" "ASH!! Grab the kids and go!!" Their father screamed, running up from the entrance of the valley. "Rouges!"

"I am the alpha I need to fight!"

"And you are a mother!! Take them and run!! They are too many!!"

"As--" "My love please." With a last kiss he took off back towards the invaders.

"Mama what is going on? Where is dada going?" The little Ashley asked while pulling on her mothers pants legs who was looking at husband running off knowingly to his death, her wolf was screaming at her to fight but with a heavy heart she grabbed the children and turned away, running with the rest of the people.

"Mama where is dada!?" Asher screamed. "Dada!" Ashley was crying in fear, all the yelling and screaming meaning nothing good.

"He will catch up." Their mother said despite feeling how the mate bond snapped, meaning he hadn't made it.

"Mama!" The little girls yelled as she tripped and fell to her knees and grabbed her chest for a second before shaking her head and pushing through the tears and the pain.

"Get on!" She ordered as she changed into a wolf and the girls got on, holding tight as she ran but soon she heard thumping near and stopped. "Girls get off and run, run as far and fast as you can!" She yelled, turning around.


"Do it now!! Mama is right behind you!!"

The girls listened, fear being the source of their strength.

Ashley ran after her sister, always looking back until she couldn't see her when she looked forwards.

"Ash?" She asked in a soft scared voice. "Asher where are you?!" She yelled in fear as she stopped running, looking around in the dark forest, moon barely casting enough light for her to see.

Shaking like a leaf she took off running, screaming for her sister, her mother, her father or whoever of the Blackblood's that would hear her but the one that heard her call wasn't one of them.

Ashley wasn't alone for long, a slick black coated wolf came out of the shrubs and that night was the last time she has known freedom.

Current time:
Ashley's pov:

I sighed while the others snicked, the beta always loved to tell the story of the destruction of my pack and how I ended up here.

Well to start this off.... I am Ashley Blackblood, second to last remaining Blackblood and slave as many others to this pack of rogues, a few Blackbloods had been made slave with me but they were killed of only Ashy and I remained, both of us 18 and mateless fortunately.

Ashy was a Blackblood girl with short blond hair and green eyes while I had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, We were somewhat friends but yeah.... It is everyone for themselves.... Yeah and slaves or omega wore what they found in the trash and I was both....

So I wore a torn grey T-shirt, claw marks, resent and old, visible on the fabric, a pair of jeans that was just a bit too big for me so I had a belt made out of a piece of discarded rope, my shoes were one of the only new things I had, the alpha's son hand thrown them at me and didn't want them back because of my filth had touched them, lucky they fit, they were black running shoes, my hair was tied up with another rope piece and the only thing brought for me that I owned were my glasses, they didn't want me to fuck my work up because I couldn't see tho now the left lens was missing and the right one had a crack going through it.

There was only one rule of what couldn't be done to us slaves, two in my case I guess, and it was that you couldn't get them pregnant or get yourself pregnant when doing it with them because we wouldn't be able to work and the pup would be 'scum'.... The second 'law' for me was simply that if my glasses broke to get me new ones to not make me unable to work but since, even if cracked, my glasses had one lens so I didn't get new ones.

Wonder what I am currently doing? It isn't a pretty sight and I would wish it for no one.

"Yeah take it all." The man smirked.... Yeah well I was forced to suck his dick because his mate didn't last night, his hands grabbing my hair painfully tight and his buddies holding my arms behind my back.

I had tears in my eyes and coughing because of everything, him forcing me to do this, the deep throating, the pain, everything.... Damn my life....

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