Chapter 1: For Whom the Abyss Waits.

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"First day of school!" Frisk exclaimed "Are you exited?" Frisk was a young girl with shoulder length, sepia, brown hair. She always wore a sky-blue-2 sweater with two magenta stripes near the middle and sky-blue-3 tracksuit pants.

"school... yay." Chara, Flowey and Asriel groaned simultaneously. Chara had near shoulder length redwood hair, rosy pink cheeks and pale skin. Asriel, being a boss monster, had white fur all over and the very tips of his horns were starting to pop out. They wore identical pear green sweaters with a single butterscotch yellow stripe through the middle.

Frisk huffed frustratedly as she turned around holding Flowey in a pot, "c'mon guys, new friends. New things to discover. New conflicts and problems to resolve-"

"More chances for you to feed that messiah complex of yours..." Chara snapped, cutting her adopted sister off. A spite filled silence followed as Chara glared at Frisk. Frisk only stared down despondently. Asriel stood there, he and Flowey were both slightly shocked, though less at their sisters fighting and more at their choice of location. "tsk. C'mon Azzie, little-miss chosen one looks like she can get the rest of the way on her own." Upon saying this Chara walked off. Asriel followed slowly behind looking at Frisk with a sorry look in his eyes.

"Want me to help you get back at her?" Flowey asked, trying to sound sincere. Flowey had a white face, green stem and six buttercup yellow petals surrounding his inter-changeable face. Frisk smiled for a second, before tightening her grip on Flowey's pot. She burst into tears and ran off, from the path, past some bushes, to the stream that ran parallel. Once there, Frisk began to cry. She left Flowey on the ground next to her and sat down grasping her knees to sulk. "Hey I'm here for you. Not sure if that actually means anything, but if there's anything I can do to help, then just say the word."

"Thanks, Flowey," Frisk managed to choke out through her sobs "just keep lookout for now, tell me if anyone comes." Frisk then fell onto her side into a ball and bawled her eyes out.

"Okay Frisk." Flowey confirmed

Meanwhile (in the exact same universe) a young girl was walking along the path mumbling to no-one. "I know it sucks Kumu but if we don't go the school people will come looking for us and that would suck even more." The girl had brown hair with pink ends. She wore a sweater that was pink for the top half and purple for the bottom half, a hot pink skirt, lavender stockings and a pair of tall brown boots. A small magenta blob floated onto her shoulder and growled, almost sounding annoyed. "KUMU! Hide! You can't let anyone see you!" the young girl pleaded as she grabbed 'Kumu' and cupped her hands around him.

Little did the girl know two other children and a black cat were following close behind her. The first was a ginger girl in a short beige dress with black and white, striped stockings and a cyan bow around her collar. The other child was a young boy, deathly pale with raven black hair. He wore a black vest over a white under-shirt with a deep blue tie, as well as a pair of black suit-pants held up by a black leather belt. The young ginger noticed what happened and rushed forward. The black cat followed closely behind. The boy only paid enough notice to roll his eyes.

"What's that?" the ginger girl asked abruptly. The pink girl jumped from fright and uncovered 'Kumu'. The ginger saw the small blob and her eyes lit up "Aww! it's so cute!" she cried. The cat meowed almost seeming to berate the ginger. "Oh! You're right Mr. Midnight..." the ginger said before turning towards the other girl. "Sorry for scaring you... my name is Fran Bow. This is Mr. Midnight. And that, over there," Fran continued while pointing to the boy who was slowly walking down the path, "is Lucius. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance... uh?" Fran finished with a curtsy and gave a look of enquiry.

The other girl looked at Fran for a short moment. She looked at Kumu, who was floating beside her head, and replied nervously "My name's Betty... and this is Kumu. Nice to meet you too." Upon reaching the pair, the boy, now known to be Lucius, grabbed Fran by the arm and dragged her away toward the school. Fran waved back at Betty while Mr Midnight continued to follow behind them. "Bye..." Betty sighed, exhausted.

Meanwhile, (still the same universe) A girl with long black hair and ghostly white skin was walking down the street talking to another girl with two; over-the-shoulder, blonde, braided ponytails. The black-haired girl wore a knee length, shoulder wide white dress with a red; collar, waist and shoulder cuts. The blonde wore a pink blouse and blue jeans. They were talking about animatronic mascots and their creation when the blonde girl took note of a factory in the distance.

"See Bonnie! That's where they should be made." The blonde girl said pointing to the factory. "Not in someone's house. That's just weird."

Bonnie thought for a moment. She looked at the factory then responded "Well I guess we should tell our dads to start making them there then." The blonde girl looked at bonnie discombobulation clear on her face. "Elizabeth, that factory is abandoned, don't you remember? A whole bunch of people went missing there, presumed dead. So, they shut it down. Nothing is getting made there anymore."

Elizabeth conceded and simply responded "Look my dad's mascots just, really freak me out. Okay," she then looked down and continued. "I'm glad he's doing what he likes, but being around them too much will-" Out of nowhere a blonde young boy running down the path, tripped and stumbled right into Elizabeth causing her to fall to the ground. Bonnie just looked on in surprise. Once Elizabeth came to her senses, she looked up to see the boy with an expression of apology and concern on his face. He held out his right hand to help. His left hand was busy holding an abnormally large egg shaped fuzzball. "Watch where you're going!" Elizabeth scolded as she pusher herself off the ground, ignoring the boy's offer to help.

The boy was taken aback by this sudden outburst and he began to shrink back and tear up. "I'm sorry! I was rushing to get to school on time." The boy cried out "I should have watched where I was going, but I got distracted..."

Bonnie started to feel sorry for this boy so she calmed her voice. "It's okay," she soothed. Elizabeth glared at her. "No harm done." After hearing this the boy pepped up slightly. "But you're right, school's about to start, so we should get a move on." Bonnie suggested, "What's your name?" she asked.

"Gabriel." The boy responded gleefully. And the three began a brisk walk to school.

Meanwhile (in the parallel universe next door, where everything is exactly the same) a young boy with brown hair, was walking down a path lined on one side, by bushes. The ambient sound of a stream seemed to soothe the boy. He wore blue shorts and a black T-shirt with two grey stripes around the chest. One odd thing about this boy, he was wearing a mask that covered his face, from the mouth up and obscured the view of his eyes. The mask depicted a black bear, with a golden top-hat perched atop. Two small, black, triangular ears jot out from the sides of the mask, each with a dark shade of grey, forming a circle in the middle. The boy continued to walk focusing on the sounds of the stream flowing, the tree-leaves rustling in the wind. The boy stopped as another sound drifted through the morning air and into his ears. The sound was faint, but it was a sound that the boy knew, all too well. The sound of crying. The boy moved to the edge of the path, pushed pass the bushes and began to look around for the source of the crying. After following the stream for two minutes he had found the source. The boy was greeted with the sight of a wilting flower in a pot and a girl, on her side, sobbing into her knees. A powerful feeling of empathy welled up from inside the boy and he was overcome with PASSION  to help this girl.

The boy took slow steps toward the girl. While doing this he undid his mask and removed it, holding it in his left hand. When he reached the girl, the boy bent down, placed his hands on his knees and with a reassuring smile, spoke up. "Are you okay?" he asked. The girl stopped sobbing, uncurled from her ball and turned to look at the boy. The boy looked at the girls face and saw tears still streaming down her face. "Hey, don't cry." He said growing a concerned look, "What's wrong?"

The girl looked up gazing into the boy's azure eyes, slowly calming down. "Who are you?" she asked, wiping the tears from her face using her sleeve, as she stood up.

"My name's Michael." He replied "its nice to meet you... uh?" Michael raised his right hand to the girl for a handshake.

The girl took Michael's hand and replied, "I'm Frisk."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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