My Hot New Teacher

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I walk into class today only to see a new teacher instead of the old grumpy lady there is a hot guy are his early 20's.

I go to my normal seat in the back of the class.
When the bell rings all the other highschool students enter.

The slut if the school Amber is practically drooling over the new teacher.
He just looks at her like she's lost it lol!

He stands up from his chair and says "hey class I am your new teacher —"

I cut him off and say "oh really? Cuz I thought you were the Queen of England!"

He then says "I see you have a mouth on you."

"Oh really!? Cuz I thought I had a horse on me"

"Oh, ok then I would like to see you in detention today miss–"

"Miss. Riley"

"Yes ok Miss. Riley. I will see you in detention"

" Mhm mkay "

I walk into detention and my teacher who's name is Mr. Jackson.

He sees me walk in and says " well hello Miss. Attitude!"

" Hello to you too Mr. Detention "

"Why don't you come here" he gestures me to sit on his lap which for some odd reason I do.

He flips me over and pulls my skirt up and spanks me!

" Bro what the hell!"

" You know you want this baby"

He slides my lace panties over and starts to play with my clit.

" Mmmm, ouuuiii, ahhhh"

" You like that huh!?"

'yes daddy'

He then takes two fingers and rams them into me. He is pumping his fingers in and out faster and faster. My walls start tightening around his fingers when he takes them out bends me over his desk and sticks his hard on at my entrance.

"Mhmmmmmm oh fuck daddy'

' mmm you like that baby?"


He then rams his cock into me. He starts thrusting faster with each thrust.

" Mmmmm daddy, yesssss, ouuuiii, oh FUCK!"

He moans in the back of his throat and it was so hot I cum on his dick causing his thrust to become jerky as he lets his own release.

As we are both coming down from the high he captures my lips in a passionate kiss. After a few minutes we break away gasping for air both of our lips swollen from the kiss we rest our heads together still trying to even our breath.

' that was breath taking miss. Riley"

" My pleasure Mr. Jackson."

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