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Location: Tokyo, Japan

*Lio sits at his desk, drawing and writing out another page of his manga. He is very hard at work when suddenly his cell phone rings.*

Lio *answering the phone*: Hello?

Lincoln: Hey bro, how are you? Still enjoying life in Japan?

Lio: Well if it isn't my devilishly handsome twin. I'm doing great, Linc, how about you?

Lincoln: I'm doing great, I've been in talks with a major studio about adapting my comic book series into a movie. What about you, Mr. Mangaka? I hear Tokyo Planet Outlaws recently had an anime adaptation announced.

Lio: Yep. It took me some time, but my life's work has finally paid off.

Lincoln: That's good to hear. Anyway, I was calling to remind you of our family reunion coming up two weeks from now. Think you can make it?

Lio: You bet I can make it! I've been looking forward to this reunion for months! I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Lincoln: Nice! I'll call the others and let them know. See you in two weeks. Take care!

Lio: Thanks Lincoln, same to you.

Kat *walking into the room, carrying a baby boy while holding a little girl by the hand*: Who was that, dear?

Lio: It was my brother, calling to remind me of the upcoming family reunion.

Kat: Oh, that's nice. Do you plan on going?

Lio: Of course. *walks over to Kat and gives her a kiss* I haven't seen my siblings in years. *picks up the little girl while making a funny face at the baby boy* Besides, this is the chance to introduce them to my family.

Kat: I can't wait for it. I'll start getting our bags packed.

*Two weeks later*

*As a plane touches down at a Michigan airport, a young white haired man thinks fondly of memories from his childhood. He is eager with anticipation to see his siblings again. However, there is a part of him that is afraid of seeing them again out of fear of what they'll think of him. His wife quells his fear, grabbing him by his hand tenderly and looking him in the eyes. She silently assures him that everything will be fine and that he is merely overthinking things. Lio smiles and is thankful for his beautiful wife. She's been his best friend since middle school and has always been supportive of him. He looks over to his two children, both of them sleeping peacefully as the plane lands. It doesn't matter what his family thinks of him, he knows in his heart that he's won the best prize. Upon landing and selecting their rental car, Lio drives his family to the legendary Loud House. The family reunion isn't until tomorrow, but anyone who knows Lio knows that he always arrives to the location early. Fortunately, at least one sister is at the Loud House to greet him.*

Lily *running up and glomping Lio in a huge hug*: Big brother Lio! Or are you Lincoln? After you stopped dying your hair, I can hardly tell the difference between the two of you. *laughs*

Lio *returning the hug*: Yes, kono Lio da! It's so good to see you again, baby sis. My, my, you've grown since the last time I saw you.

Lily *waving at Kat and Lio's children*: Hey Kat, how are you? Who are the little ones?

Kat: I'm good, thank you for asking. These are our children, 5 year old Lacy (the girl with white hair) and 2 year old Luis (black haired baby).

Lily: Hey little dudes, it's nice to meet you! *Lacy hides behind her mother*

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