To my best friend, Mary,
I'm writin' to you to warn you of the danger's things that are comin' your way. And I tellin' to you, leave while you still can.
You know me, we grew up in tha' home together, stolen from our dumbart, we both went to school, an' we were both flogged for sneakin' out at night. And you also know that don't like it when them men beating up the koolangah, so one day I stepped in to stop it. And it got me places, outta there at least. They tell me they sick of me, so I sent out to the country to work 'ard for wetjala.
The bridaira, Mr Barnes, don't like me much. He tells me I do it all wrong; the sewing, the dishes, the cookin', the 'ousework. So I tells him he should do it 'imself if he don't like it. Then 'e goin' on me. And I couldn' stop it, not like I stopped it from the koolangah. He was strong and I just one weak yorgah.
Then I boodjarri, and Mr Barnes tryin' to kick it outta me. But didn't work, 'cause it was stuck there. And even Missus Barnes don't wanna look at me no more.
Mr Barnes shoo me off then, decided I ain't any good no more. I run me dash. So I sent back to the 'ouse, where they all look at me funny, like it my own fault this 'appen to me.
I remember, I remember when it was my time. Matron 'elp me. But then she took 'im. I only remember 'is beaut'ful weeowl, which shone like the stars. I 'eard 'im cryin' in Matron's arms, then I didn't. And 'e was gone.
So I sayin' allewah, before 'e take ya, 'cause you're yorgah and 'e white bridaira.
Love, Betty
Watch out - Allewah
He'll hit you - Baal nooniny barminy
Money - boondah
Pregnant - bootjarri
Boss - bridaira
Bad mouth, this is a white man - Dawarra, nitja wetjala
Children - koolangah or yumbah
People of the same tribe - dumbart
Arse - kwon
Bad - warrah, warrahmut
Cry of greif - wee-ah
Weak - weerny
White person - wetjala
Woman, girl - yorgah
Eyes - weeowl,
Letters from Betty
Historical FictionInspired by the play 'No Sugar' by Jack Davis, written during the Great Depression, in Northam, Western Australia, Moore River Native Settlement and Perth. 'Letters from Betty' describes what it is like to live from the perspective of a young Abori...