I ain't got the fire no more to tell 'em it ain't my fault. So I start thinkin' maybe it is.
An' I ain't wanna bur'en you and Joe, brinin' in them nasty thoughts and memories, so I's gonna stay here. But I tell ya, I think I broke' inside. When them wetjala beatin' up the koolangah, I ain't got nothin' in me to tell 'em to stop it. 'Cause I fear for myself, what they might do to me. An' I think that make me a bad person now.
I still 'ope for you. That you outrun Mr Neal. That you and Joe gonna find a place for yourselves. That you be 'appy.
Goodbye Mary.
White person - wetjala
Children - koolangah or yumbah
Letters from Betty
Historical FictionInspired by the play 'No Sugar' by Jack Davis, written during the Great Depression, in Northam, Western Australia, Moore River Native Settlement and Perth. 'Letters from Betty' describes what it is like to live from the perspective of a young Abori...