if by chance -jjk / kth

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imma ask y'all to decide who end up with y/n tho ᵔᴥᵔ



you scream and open your arms when you saw jungkook from afar smiling at you with his hands tuck in his coat pockets.
he chuckled when he warp his arms around you and leave a peck on your cheeks.
you pull away from the hug and grab his hands to the same spot where your friendship started. you push him down on the bench and quickly pull a party popper and pop it in between you and him. he let out a laugh making you smile. his laugh always makes your heart flutter that is you were planning to confess to him today.
he took your hand and bring you to the nearest seat while you let out a sigh then took a seat beside him.

"hahh~ i remember the first day i ask you to be my friend and now, look at us." you say looking at your surroundings where the autumn leaf falling from the tree in the park.

"yeah, and believe me that day was the most bad and best day of my life. you don't know how nervous iam." he laugh.
"yah! how dare you say it the most bad day?" you smack his arms making him flinch from your touch.
"naah y/n dont you dare go and be mad at me because if you remember that day, i was confessing and you with that pretty face of yours told me you just wanted to be friends!" he stated the fact while scoffing at your face.
you just shrugged him off with a little chuckles while you reach a little box and hand it to him.
he look at the box with a wide eyes then he look up at your face searching your eyes.

"f-for.. m-me?" he stutter.
"nahh.. for that oak tree behind you" with a serious face you say it making him blush a little with a little smile on his lips.
"but you didn't have to" he say but took it anyway.
"i just want to beside you gave me this fluffy scarf last year so im just returning the favor" you say giving him a genuine smile.
he quickly open the box and his eyes opened wide again.
"seriously y/n?! how do you know i wanted this!?" he say excitedly taking out the watch he always dream of making you giggle at his behavior. *ikkk but idk what else to gave a guy a present
he looks manly but he will always stay the way be was from the very start you know him.

"look below that black thing" you say turning to look at him. your leg crossed on the bench.
he took a quick glance at you with a sparkling eyes full of excitement.
"what in the world?!" he say now he put the watch on your lap and pull the bracelet out of the box.
"where did you get this?!" he ask, his voice in a high pitch. his cheeks so full because he was smiling all the time.

"i made it" you say resting your cheeks on your palm when you put your elbow on your thigh.
"nooo wayh" that bunny smile on him didnt fade. his eyes keep on lingering on the bracelet. then he saw his name on it.

"you even made my name on here.." now his eyes getting teary.
"oh and also i have this one" you pass him a paper bag and when he took a look inside he can see a book *album but idk how to explain
"Y/NNN you don't have toooo!!" he took a look inside the album and now he was really crying.
"ok, what the heck kook, why are you soo emotional right now" you lean closer to him and hug him from his side.
"n-nothing.. this really the best day of my life which reminds me!" he say looking at you while wiping away his tears. you pull away and sitting straight again.
"yeah? what is it?" you ask him. he immidietly stood up then he pull you up from your chair by pulling your hand.
"i want to confess to the girl i like!" his face lit up also he was clapping so gleefully. you can feel your heart pounding hard when you think about that line. the girl he like

you cleared your throat and straightening your shirt.
"oh.. and may i know who is this very lucky girl you like?" you manage to say it without stuttering. he jump and clap his hands. the bracelet already around his wrist. its make you feel at ease because he likes it.
"oh its a secret but i need you to come with me for my mental support" he smile taking your hands in his.

'then who will be my mental support?'

he was on his phone with a big smile on his face. he drag you two into the one and only coffee shop you two always hangout.
"jungkook, can i sit right there when she came?" you pointed at some corner table that nobody want to sit there. he took a look at you and the place you pointed. he smile and shrugs his shoulder.
"yeah sure." then he look at his phone again. after a second his face beam again.
"ohh she's here! she's here!" he stood up quickly and look outside the coffee shop. he look at you and glence his fist.

"wish me luck!" he was slightly blushing.
"go break a leg!" you smile and stood up to walk over the table you just mention to him. you saw he went out and walk over an extremely cute girl that you have no idea who she was
'well ofcourse he likes cute thing and im not one of em'
the past six years of friendship you alone can tell how much he had grown and how many girls had their eyes on him you're also in the last year of highschool that was about to graduate.
now its make your self feel like a french fries that had turn soggy.
when you saw them walk in the shop the girl was attached to him like a glue. like girll can't you just give him his space?"
but when you saw how smily jungkook face are. you know they will start dating and you were the first person who will see his face got sucked by that girl.

after a few minutes you saw them talking and laughing with each other.
you know you will feel jealous but then he was soo happy, and you don't have the heart to look at his sad face ever again. he had dated many different girls for the past years while you didn't even dated anyone
'so what made this time felt a lil bit hurt like dahmmn
when you feel like they're about to lean into each other you pull out your phone and took a snap of picture. you send it to his phone saying:

"looks like you were accepted imma go back now. be happy ;)"

then you stood up to leave. you walk towards the chasier and ask for a take out. and there stood taehyung the barista there. he somehow become friends when you always hang out there.
"you look sad y/n, what happen?" he ask. you pointed at jungkook direction and he followed.
"ahh.. so, caramel macchiato?" he gave you a sad smile.
you let out a sigh with a smile
"yes please. also iam NOT sad" with a little laugh you felt like your heart had shattered but taehyung haven't done anything wrong so it's wrong to be mad at him.
you stood there scrolling into instagram waiting for your  coffee.
"here, its on me. so enjoy" he beam giving you a boxy smile.
"oh you don't need to!" you say fetching for your wallet.
"i insist y/n, beside we're friends and i can't help seeing your beautiful face like that" he pout, showing you that gahhdamn cutee face tf.
"then, next time. im buying you your favorite" you say taking the coffee from his hand.
"then wait till i have a day off" he crossed his arms proudly.
"as if, you want to have a day off to be wasted by me" you chuckled.
"its nice" he put his plam on the table leaning towards your side almost bumping your nose with his.
"w-what?" you almost fall back at his actions but he did pull your scarf to held you from falling back.
he chuckled and lean back behind the counter.
"its nice if you smile like that. always" he gave you a wink.
"ha.. ahaha then i better leave" you say with an awkward grin on your face with face flush like hell.
you were about to leave but he suddenly took your hand.
you turn your back at him and you can see that his face was actually lit up he looks soo happy that you can't understand what was the reason for his happiness.
"a- before i forgot y/n do you have my phone number??"
you look at him a little bit confused like 'of course i dont have it we're not that close to begin with' type of face
he just giggle at your confused face
"ok ok sorry wait a minute can i have your phone?"
as it was just a reflex you hand him your phone
he took it and started to tap on the screen.
you heard a ringtone from afar and he was smiling like hell, it feels like he won some lottery or smth
he hand you back the phone and lean closer to you

"can you call me when you got back to your place?"
you frown at that thought
"aannnddd why would i do that??"
the smile he gave you were chef's kisses bih

"just because.."


lmao now tell me what u think

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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