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Y/n pov :
My friend Becky dragged my to this stupid meet i didn't even know anyone here there where some people I new from the past at school didn't really pay attention I always kept my head down because I always felt stares in the back of my head

*as Becky has left you again you go to sip a drink of your water as a guy shoves past u making u spill it all over your dress u see wer he ran off to since u have had enough of today and followed him*

*u walk down the little behind the stage thing as u see him holding a white bandana and sunglasses he seemed angry at something as he  noticed you and tires to cover his face*

Hey you...you ok *you say in a soft and calm voice*

George's pov before he ran off : *it was getting really full and people surrounded me so I quickly ran off I knocked into some girl I should have said sorry I saw her chance after me shit I hid and took my mask and glasses off not thinking she turned the corner I could see she was angry water all over her and I tried to hide myself*

George : i-im sorry did I do that to you!

Y/n :yeah urm you ok tho u seemed in a rush??? *I tried to smile but still had a straight face*

George : *she doesn't seem to recognise me maybe she doesn't know me I felt bad and gave her some napkins out of my bag* here sorry it was getting really crowded..

Y/n : it's fine I get like that sometimes I mean my friend dragged me here and I don't know anyone at all! My name is y/n what about you! *tryin to get his mind of things as you clean your dress*

George : im george *smiles* and  I'm just here to meet  som-

*he was cut off by someone screaming y/n*

George : *quickly throws his mask and sunglasses on*

Y/n : *quite confused why he did this and looked over at where to sound was coming from and Becky was looking for you*

Becky : y/n! There you are an- OMG IS THAT MEMEULOUS!

George : *looks down*

Y/n : memeulous??? *giggles* Oh is that the YouTuber your obsessed with Becky?

Becky : yeah his right behind you *pointing! She gets a quick pic of you next to him* well you to urm finish up your convo and yeah *she runs off*

George : *rubs the back off his neck*cats out the bag now hahah

Y/n : doesn't really make a difference Mr George memeulous hahah

George : *blushing under his mask* urm  yeah I guess??

Y/n : well anyway nice to meet ya ima go back to Becky *before you walked off George grabber your wrist*

George : urm do you have Instagram..?

Y/n : no sorry I don't really use social media *you say in a shaky tone* but you can have my number?

George : yeah I'll be able to make it up to you since I ruined your dress!

=after giving george ur number you left with Becky as she was going on and on about all the people she met you went back to your apartment with Becky and she stayed over=

*it had been a couple days since the meet and Becky went home last night and you have been binge watching stranger things on Netflix you get a few notifications from unknown number , you check the messages*

-unknown- hey this is George from the other 

*you quickly put him down in your contacts as Mr memeguy*

-You- oh hey how u been??

-Mrmemeguy- good wondering if your free today?

-You- always free why

-Mrmemeguy- well I wanted to take you somewhere wonder if you could make it over to my apartment in about a hour?

- you- bahah sure just send the adress?

*after he sends you the adress u hop up from ur bed grab get a quick shower brush your teeth dry your hair do your makeup and put some jeans and a baggy blue top on not that I look any good you think to yourself and shrug*

*you put on Google maps as you realise his apartment is only on the top floor from yours you giggles and get in the lift and press the top floor *

*you get out the lift and see his room number you wer about to knock as you hear a bunch of laughter and loud noises the door swings open as a boy jumps into you sending you both to the floor*

Boy : AH so sorry!!

George : ALEX!

Alex : haha *gets off you and helps you up* I'm sorry about that I'm al-

Y/n : Alex *giggles*

Alex : *slightly blushes* AH you heared urm come in *he gestures *

*you step into the flat and see a bunch of lads sitting in the living room you start to feel anxious and feel like there's eyes on you as George taps your shoulder and brings you back to reality*

George : y/n you ok?

*you hear a Geordie accent scream* AHHH SO THIS IS Y/N U HAVENT SHUT UP ABOUT HE-

George : WILL STFU!

Will : hahaha only kidden *he brings you into a big hug* but seriously she does seem nice

Y/n *U hug him back as he lets go and stares at you*

Will : She is pretty fit.. *Alex punches him in the arm* AHHH back off that's George's girl!

Y/n : *u laugh nervously and look down at the floor*

*the other 2 lads sat on the floor shout over "hey wanna come play some games y/n!"*

Y/n : *your nervous shaky voice shouts back* m-maybe later..?

George pov : She looks stunning as soon as I saw her can't seem to keep my eyes off her I noticed she was really nervous around alot of people so I decided to get ready to go*

George : so you ready?

*you nod* yeah I am!

George : ah come on them mate *we both say are goodbyes to the lads and told her all there names and stuff about them*

memeulous x reader ((again soz))Where stories live. Discover now