chapter one

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I wonder where she is, thought Ikuto.  He had been away from Japan for five years now, visiting now and than, but living in France to work at an orchestra. Everything was good, everything was fine. But it still longed him back home. Just in time he got the job offer at Sanjo University, his old college.

He wonder if a lot had changed. She should have finished college last year. But his sister said she left two and a half years ago. And hasn't had contact with anyone in the last year, slowly drifting away from everyone

"-to? Ikuto?" Two fingers snapped before his eyes as Ikuto looked up from the car window. He looked up at the pig tailed blonde, his sister Utau. " still space out as always" she sighed as she dragged him out of the car.

"Chill for God's sake, I was just a bit lost in thoughts" he sighed as he  stepped out of the car. She had just picked him up from the airport and drove him to university. They told me to come by as soon as I can. Since the jetlag would kick in I thought about doing it as soon as possible.

"I'll drive home since I still have some stuff to do. Just take a taxi home and pick up your stuff at my place later" she didn't even ask. She simply sat back down in the car and drove off. I sweat-dropped. My family was nice. Yet, like she used to say; a bunch of evil spawns.

Ikuto entered the building, hoping trough a big hallway until he was greeted by the director. A tall man with messy hair and glasses, wearing a nice beige suit. He reached out his hand for him to shake. Ikuto accepted. Nikaidou Yuu was the director here before he left to France and a good friend of the family. He knew him for a while now and was actually the one to offer him a job as a music teacher here.

"I am very glad that you accepted Ikuto" he laughed goofily "we had been short on staff. Besides you we have three new professors and two new librarians" he continued "I think I one of them is a acquaint of yours?".

"Oh yeah? And who might that be?"





"I forgot..."

"Of course you did you dumbass"

He was always like this. Ikuto couldn't really be mad at him for not changing over the past few years. Yet he is still wondering how he got the job of director.

He continued to show him around, even though Ikuto still remembered everything from his days back here. Suddenly he was called for a meeting. Since Ikuto was left alone he walked around on his own for a bit. He came to the music room. This would be his classroom.

He was here to teach several very talented children to improve their skills. His class wasn't quite that big, as much as  he understood he had about 10 maybe 12 students. But he guessed he'll do his best with it.

Ikuto came across the piano. His fingers trailed over the keys, letting him listen to the notes. He played a quick short melody and smiled to myself. A lot of memories hung to this place. It seem that he just can't forgot. Even thought he closed down that chapter of his life and those feelings. She probably did too.

As he was done checking down his classroom he continued his little tour eventually leading himself to the library. He heard a bit of rustling coming from there. Probably one of the librarians was still here. Ikuto went inside quietly, not wanting to disturb or distract anyone at their work.

"Oh gosh!Oh gosh!Oh gosh!Oh gosh! I need to finish fast! I'm already so late"  a somewhat well known voice made his ears twitch. As he looked around his eyes soon landed on the source. His eyes widened as he saw her. It really was her, standing on a little ladder which leaned against the bookshelf. Ordering books.

The pink hair which was longer than when they last saw each other, he could recognize it anywhere. She didn't notice him as he slowly stepped close until he was just a step apart from her. She talkes to herself in a panicking way since she seemed to be under time pressure. She hurried so much that she accidentally feel backwards and right into his arms.

Her eyes were shut tightly as she waited for the impact with the ground, which didn't came. Surprised she opened her eyes and meet his. A lot of feelings came up at the moment. Ikuto didn't really know what they all were. But he knew he was 1. Relived that she was alright 2. Happy to see her after all those years.

"I-Ikuto? Did I hit my head? Is this real?" She asked confused as she looked up to me, still in his arms.  Ikuto smiled at her. Still the airhead he knew.

"Yo's been a while"

"Eh!? Ikuto!?" She jumped out of my arms, hiding behind the ladder as she panicked even more "Ikuto!? What are you doing here!? But I don't have time to ask ! I have work!!" She yelled,  now seeming to talk to herself.

"B-but Ikuto? But work! B-but" her eyes wondered form him to the pile of books which were on the floor as she crashed down. She panicked until suddenly she just collapsed. He looked shocked. That was something he did not expect to happen after seeing each other after so long. He didn't expect kisses and hugs or a small celebration.

.....but....definitely not that.....

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