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It all started with a rebel whisper in the back of her head. Would everything have ended up different if she had made a different choice? Would the ropes clinging to her arms and the burning tears rolling down her face suddenly evaporate into nothing if she could go back to that day? This was a question Ronni had pondered many times in the last seven months of her life. Almost too many times. Was this at all worth it? Would she even make it out of this old rusty warehouse? Ronni had not a single idea.

Seven Months Prior...

September 30th, 1 Month until Halloween

An uncomfortable buzz of anxiety made its way in waves throughout her body. Cars drove past creating a welcome breeze in the Louisiana humidity. Even in October the heat was almost unbearable. Hard brick dug into Ronni's back through her jacket but it didn't seem uncomfortable; instead it felt almost soothing – as if the brick was keeping her upright. She loved the soft vibration of the blaring music; she liked it better than actually being inside. Just through the brick on the other side of the wall were countless people dancing, singing, drinking, and having a good time. Ronni wished that she could sweep her anxieties to the side and welcome in the delight of a party with open arms. But nevertheless, she could not. Instead she continued to stand against the house and breathe in the scent of the warm air around her.

As if to interrupt the overthinking whipping its way around her mind, Ronni's phone vibrated inside her pocket. She thought perhaps it could be her best friend inside wishing she would come back in and enjoy being young with her. Instead a text message from her older brother lit up the screen, seering the bright light into her eyes. The text was a simple "be home soon, you have school tomorrow" but it still carried the weight of a scolding. Ronni's brother Luke was not one to be overjoyed with the idea of his sister staying out late at a house party on a school night; but Ronni had begged and begged in order to go out with her friend just this once. Luke had given in and now Ronni was left wondering why she put all the effort in for this in the first place. She had begged not on behalf of herself - but on her friend's. Ronni was not one to particularly enjoy a loud party; she felt an unyielding weight on her chest in the company of too many people at once. Ronni lived most of her life for the two people that meant the most to her - Luke and her best friend Genie. Everyday she made small sacrifices to appease the two instead of making herself happy. For most of her life it had felt at least pleasant to keep the peace with her friend and brother. But now the decisions she had made throughout the last eighteen years were starting to weigh on her mind. Like a rubber band in the back of her head being pulled as tight as it can go. Someday it would finally snap and Ronni would not be able to take it anymore.

Wanting to leave the party anyway, she sent a quick text to Luke saying she would be on her way soon. Ronni took a deep breath to summon all the strength she had, and opened the front door. Inside the rather large home teenagers were scattered around all talking and laughing. Ronni scanned her eyes over the crowd desperately begging her friend to appear in front of her so she could quickly tell her they were leaving and disappear from the stress of the interaction. As if hearing her wish, she felt weak and wobbling arms wrap around her waist and begin rocking her back and forth. Immediately knowing who it was Ronni grabbed the hands and pried them off her hips before spinning around to see her best friend. The girl in front of Ronni seemed less put together than she was a few hours ago but still not at all sloppy. Genie had the kind of beauty that no matter the level of effort - she always looked stunning. It was unbelievable how fresh out of a magazine the girl always looked. Even when she was tipsy and even with lip gloss smudged around her full lips, Genie was still an absolute radiant beauty.

"Luke says I've gotta come home."

"Reeeally? But we can't leeave" Genie swung her small body around in a circle in order to make her point.

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