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"Elenna? Come down already, we're leaving in 10 minutes."

"Coming, mama."

   It was a quiet Sunday morning in 2664 Everton Drive, South Warren, Estoria. Only the quiet conversations of Elenna Rox and her mother could be heard. Elenna Rox was what you would call a "normal kid"; she had only one dream, to become one of the most known authors of the century. In all honesty, it was quite a large dream, a huge one, but to Elenna, she knew she could reach it. She wanted to be one of the best, but going on a summer vacation isn't going to help to reach that. Well, you see, she's going on a summer vacation to her grandmother's place, in the province, with rarely anyone to see or talk to. She was packing up to leave her house along with her mother who was already starting the car.

"Are we going to stay there for that long?" Elenna whined while putting on her shoes.

"We're only going to be there for a week, Elenna, it's not that long" her mother, Celeste Rox replied.

   Celeste Rox was not your average woman. She raised Elenna all by herself with no husband and was a successful social entrepreneur that was loved by many. She decided to arrange a small vacation for Elenna to grow closer to her relatives as she was raised far away from them. 

"Look, mama, it just feels weird to be able to see my grandma for the first time, in about 15 years," says Elenna as she boards inside the car.

"That's why we're going there in the first place, you haven't seen her in years! The last time you saw her was when you were a year old" her mother almost exclaimed.

   They left soon enough; it was a pretty long ride as Elenna's grandmother lived a few hours away. There wasn't a lot of things to do while inside the car, the only thing Elenna could think of was writing that story that's been piled up on her desk; soon, she started to daydream.

"What would it be like? what if I was in the story?" she thought to herself. Her mind swam in so many brilliant ideas. It was soaring up above the sky with writing prompts and scenes that only anyone could only think of in their wildest dreams. As time went by, her eyes grew heavy; the calm music that was coming from the radio was becoming too sedative. she laid on the car seat, staring up at the car's ceiling and after a few minutes, she was fast asleep. 

"Elenna? Wake up, we're here already" 

    These were the first few words that she heard after being awoken from her lengthy trance; her eyes fluttered open. It was bright, very bright outside. Elenna grabbed onto the car seat to help her sit up, she looked out the car window. There was a tall brick house right before her very eyes; plants surrounded it like a moth to a flame. to her eyes, it was a pretty sight to see. The large windows of the brick house loosely veiled by long, olive green vines that stretched everywhere. Flowers and pretty scenery can be seen almost everywhere and after all of that, Elenna saw her grandmother, her white hair and short stature standing out from the vibrant, almost blinding greenery around her. She was standing on the terrace having a small chat with her mother, laughing and smiling. She looked at Elenna, with her shining blue eyes and her heartwarming smile, she was a very good looking lady, for someone who's 72 years of age.

   Elenna stepped off the car after waiting and taking inside what was around her; After she stepped off, she was met by her mother's face, eagerness tinged on her face. Beside her was Elenna's grandmother, smiling and somewhat eager as well.

"Elenna, this is your grandmother, Carmelita," her mother said

"Good morning Elenna, I suppose you quite know me" Carmelita, her grandmother said soon after

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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