Kukui Nut Oil

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A slow jazz tune filled the rundown shack as the professor prepared for the night's activities. "Poliwhirl?" "POLLLLLLLL-YEEEEEEEE" The Pokémon reassured using his computer-generated screams of the damned. He had, indeed, done his part of the decorations. "Perfect!" the shirtless man exclaimed. He ducked upstairs to make sure the other animals had done their promised work. "Excellent, guys!" He stated confidently, drawing breath with his hands on his hips. The place was cleaner than it had ever been before. Or at least, since he had moved in.

"Alright, cousins! A deal's a deal!" The small pink and blue creatures eagerly crawled up to him, where they were suctioned into their Pokeballs. "I hope you fellas have fun at the Pelgo! Just don't eat too much alright? It's only a weekend trip. I want you relaxed and refreshed on Monday, oh yeah! Got it?" He thought for a moment before releasing a particularly piggy Pokémon to stand beside him. "Got it?" "snub-uuuuuuuuul." Kukui shrugged. "Good enough for me!" He put back the pink bulldog creature and caught the clock-frog-thing as it got to the top of the basement steps. "Say hi to your siblings for me!" He called as he put them on the tray where he had also placed his Luvdiscs and Corsola earlier, and wheeled them over to the PC. "BYE COUSINS!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he watched the little balls get sucked off into oblivion. "There. That takes care of those guys for the weekend." He licked his lips nervously. Now all he had to was wait.

Ding-dong! Kukui stopped his pacing and leapt towards the door. "Burnet!" The white haired woman's eyes widened in surprise. "Kukui." The first professor's lips pursed into a frown as he remembered as to why she'd be surprised that he'd be happy to see her. He had firsthand experience as to what it was like to be consumed in one's work, but he never thought that it would've gone so far! But, his wife had indeed left him, and he still was kept awake sometimes by the memory of the cold shock. ~"W-what?" Kukui stuttered, needing to have heard her wrong. "I'm sorry." She said, with a face full of guilt and sympathy. "But I've met someone else."~ That someone had been Xurkitree. But none of that mattered now; he had solace in someone else. Someone, in fact, he had a few times thought leaving her over, for the exact same reasons, so he couldn't be too mad.

"So, did'ja bring him?" The female professor sighed. "Yes Kukui, don't worry I read the court agreement. And agreed to it, hence the name." She dug around in her purse for a moment, before pulling the Pokeball out. He was practically giddy as she released the switch and let the adorable creature out into the world. "Hey, Rockruff," She cooed, leaning down to pet the rocky doggo. "are you ready for a weekend at Daddy's?" The Poke' ambled towards him as to agree, just before a familiar voice called out: "HOW ABOUT YOU GET BACK HERE TO YOUR DADDY?" Kukui froze. "Is that..." "Oh, didn't you hear? The UB's have human forms too. Do you even game theory, bro?" His eyes darted back to his ex-wife's car with horror, where it was confirmed. "ITS YA GIRL'S NEW BOI GUZZZZZMMAAAA!" "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- actually, y'know, that's fine. You deserve to be happy. Even if that's with a pasty Russian teenager."

Burnet reeled back, shocked. "Are you sure?" "Uh-huh." He replied, scooping up the dog and nodding with a straight face. "Are you sure... you're sure?" She inquired skeptically. "Uh-huh." He replied again, trying to close the door enough that she couldn't see the generous amount of rose petals sprinkled on the floor. She narrowed her eyes........................................ "OK!" She threw her hands up in a shrug. "Have fun you two!" "We will! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He inched the rest of the way into the house, and with the door closed, an evening of fun was in front of them.

Kukui watched through the curtains as the car peeled back onto the main road, before turning back to the small dog creature. "Sooo....... Rockruff. Anything in particular you wanted to do?" "Rockruff!" The Pokémon replied happily. The professor smiled. "Well, that's actually pretty good." He advanced on the Rock-Type, causing it to tip its head in confusion. "rrrrrrrrgh ruh?" It gave a slight whimper, but remained where it was. He continued striding to animal, before slowly lying on his belly, getting on the puppy's level. "Because I had something planned for tonight." It retreated from the whisper with a look of understanding on its face. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruf!" Kukui chuckled. "Aliright then!" He got to his feet and swaggered to the kitchen. "Bean Butter!" He read aloud. He glanced over his shoulder to see the pupper bouncing around the foyer in excitement. "A delicious paste made from 100% pure Pokebeans! Pokemon love the taste of it!" He turned to Calcarenite collared-canine with his eyes lidded. "So. Would my good puppy like a taste?" The fluffy creature bowed playfully, earning him a seductive smirk. "Well then. Let's get started."

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