i really like your daughter; 01

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It was a normal day for Jinsol, she'd gone to work, hung out with Jungeun until the other girl had to go, and now she was on her way home. She preferred walking over driving, which was why she didn't have a car and was currently walking home in the dark. Jungeun always joked that she'd get kidnapped because she was so pretty.

There was an eerie silence as she arrived home, the gate at the driveway hanging open and her front door slightly ajar. A chill ran down her spine and she convinced herself it was just because of the wind, the air was still that night. She made her way up to her house, slowly pushing the front door open and shrugging when nothing seemed out of place. She closed the door behind her, setting her bag down and wandering into the kitchen.

She froze, the sight in front of her taking the air from her lungs, both of her parents were tied to chairs, the front of their shirts blood stained and there was a woman standing over them with a knife in hand. Without thinking her father looked towards her, yelling out her name, a mistake on his part.

The woman turned, a sick smile on her face as she looks Jinsol up and down, it makes Jinsol want to puke. "And who are you?" The woman's voice is almost a purr, and Jinsol can't seem to get herself to answer. "I'll start then, I'm Yves." Sooyoung grins, a dangerous smile.

The color from Jinsol's face seemed to drain, she knew that name. Yves was a murderer. She didn't want to die, but oh god, she was going to die, wasn't she? Yves had been waiting for her to get home so she could kill them all. During Jinsol's silent panic, she had started to cry, and Sooyoung thought she looked absolutely delicious.

Deciding to leave Jinsol to her thoughts, she turned back to the older Jungs, a playful smile on her lips as she twirled the knife around her fingers. "I really like your daughter-" she began, her playful smile turning into a dangerous one, "can I keep her?" She was almost daring them to say no, to give her a reason to plunge the knife she was holding into their chests as if she needed one.

She didn't.

When all she got was a fearful shake of the head from Mr. Jung she rolled her eyes and her smile dropped before she plunged the knife between two of his ribs, narrowly missing his heart. She grinned when he screamed out in agony before beginning to twist the knife, blood steadily pouring out of the wound. "I really don't like to repeat myself, but I'll let you change your answer if you want." She hummed. When he shook his head again Sooyoung clenched her jaw before taking the knife out and hitting his forehead with the handle end of the knife, enjoying the crack of his skull. When he let out a groan she swiftly flipped the knife around before plunging it into the same spot, watching as blood steadily poured from the wound.

She unstuck the knife from Mr. Jung's forehead before turning to Jinsol's mother, a sadistic smile on her face. "I don't suppose you'll give me the right answer, will you?" The question was rhetorical of course as she plunged the knife into the woman's chest, hearing her scream in agony before slitting her throat, the noise quickly dying down.

Sooyoung stepped back to admire her work, the front of her clothes practically soaked in blood. She finally turned towards Jinsol, noting how the younger girl looked absolutely terrified and kept her eyes mostly towards the ground. Well, she'd just have to fix that later, wouldn't she? She couldn't have a pet that wouldn't even look at her.

Jinsol was still frozen in place, eyes darting between her parents' corpses, Sooyoung, and the floor. She was shaking slightly, her bottom lip quivering as she tries to keep herself from crying. "Aren't you precious?" Sooyoung coos, walking towards Jinsol. Jinsol wants to run, to hide, to do anything, but her brain can't seem to get her body to move and now Sooyoung is standing right in front of her and she feels like she's going to sob.

Jinsol whimpers as Sooyoung brings her hand up and puts her finger under her chin, tilting her head to make Jinsol look at her. A sick smile makes its way onto Sooyoung's face as she looks at Jinsol, she's looking at her as if she can see her thoughts and it makes Jinsol's stomach churn.

If this were a normal encounter Jinsol might have found Sooyoung attractive, maybe even asked for her number. But all Jinsol can think of right now is that her parents are dead and this murderer wants to take her home.

She's not expecting Sooyoung to reach for a cloth on the counter and try to smother her, or she thinks she's trying to smother her, the cloth smells almost sweet and a little like alcohol. Jinsol can feel herself starting to get drowsy, her eyelids half closed.

It takes about five minutes for Jinsol to fall unconscious and Sooyoung lets out a pleased hum when she does, tucking the cloth into her back pocket and picking Jinsol up before walking out to her car. Chloroform wasn't her favorite sedative, it always took too long, but like she said, this was an impromptu visit, she wasn't exactly expecting to want or need a sedative.

A/N: let me know what you guys think abt this, i know it's rather dark, but i promise that eventually you'll get to see a human side of sooyoung

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