Chapter Twenty- One

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The following week, Dom and I were the perfect couple. Too perfect. The drama had sizzled out and the news was centered on an arranged marriage between a sixteen year old girl and a thirty year old man. Quite frankly, I was sad about the poor girl's predicament but I couldn't help but be glad the spotlight had shifted off me and Dom. There were more important things going on in the world.

When your relationship is too perfect, you just know something is wrong. Dom and I had not had a single argument since the alleged scandal. We did not even complain about the little things that we did to each other that usually irritated the other.

Like our last date, I was running late and Dom was punctual as usual. Not a word from him about my tardiness and I had not apologized properly either. Lucas was in town for another week or so, and Dom chose to spend more time with him. What bothered me even more was they were always spotted at some club or party surrounded by women, usually models. I did not say a word. What we had dealt with last week had exhausted us and we were not ready to fight with each other after we took on Aoki. Our intimacy suffered too but hey what's nine days to a woman who waited twenty-five years to lose her virginity?

Like today, Dom had offered to pick me up so we go to work together. I took it as his way of making up for spending a lot of time out with Lucas. Only problem was he showed up with another coworker in the car so our ride to work felt like a day in the office. Little or no physical contact and formal interaction only.

Yet I did not storm off in annoyance and walked in step with him. We rode the elevator together, he went into his office and I sat behind my desk.

My sister had noticed something was off and when I finally confided in her she explained that though it was too early, probably my relationship was in one of those plateau phases. Like a middle-aged couple with kids? She said we both needed to get rid of the tension building up and talk about it.

I busied myself with work and at lunch, Sumaya called to say she was coming over. I let the front desk know so they will send her right up. Lucas showed up and I inwardly groaned. Another night without Dom. I plastered a smile on my face and said hello.

Sumaya came right on time for lunch and she was still in her scrubs. She looked distraught so we stood aside, away from my desk for some privacy. Just at the edge of the corridor leading to the ladies' washroom.

"I'm sorry to come to your workplace like this but I can't focus at the hospital" she handed me a brown envelope.

"What's this?" I asked without opening it.

"My divorce papers. He finally signed it. He brought to me at work today. He decided court was not the way out. It's over. For real now. My marriage is over" she said, rubbing her face with her palms.

"Okay, I'll take this to dad. You need some air. Have you eaten?" I shoved the envelope under my arm. She shook her head.

"Okay, I'm buying you lunch. You eat then go back to the hospital and focus on your patients today. Distract yourself as much as you can"

I went to put the brown envelope on my desk when Lucas and Dom came walking out the door. I picked up my purse and personal phone.

"I'm off to lunch. Want anything?" I said to Paba. She wagged her finger to say no. She was engrossed in whatever work she had doing.

I walked over back to the elevators and Sumaya joined me, I could hear Lucas and Dom's footsteps approaching. We would have to share the elevator then.

Sumaya unconsciously turned around and groaned, "Today is just not my day"

I flipped around and saw both Dom and Lucas staring at us. Lucas looked from me to Sumaya and back again and frowned slightly.

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