Writers Block

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I'm sure every writer has experienced this or will experience it at some point. Lately I've struggled to write and continue writing. I'll be inspired and get ideas to improve or continue stories and works, but it's not long before that inspiration just evaporates. I'm left with a partially formed idea and conflicting emotions on whether to keep or scrap what I just wrote. When these blocks go for too long, or I find that I'm unsure where to go with a story and winging it just doesn't work anymore, I go back to the roots.

I created these characters, this world, and am writing a story about it. It's easy, for me, to get lost in the world I've made and forget the focus of the story I write. When I get stuck I switch to a different work or just write randomly, and this normally works to end my writers block after a while. Lately, however, this isn't the case. I've been stuck, unable to improve or even continue my main story. I'm bouncing between works to test scenarios, practice and improve my writing skills, but every time I try to work on this story I'm stuck.

Seeing as this issue has persisted through all my normal tactics, I think I need to revisit my character notes and plans, along with the first story line I wrote. I'm realizing I don't know where I want this story to go, so I'm going to revisit the starting point and look at what I thought then to see if I should follow it or change it to better suit the development in my writing and my characters.

Writers block is temporary. Whether it's a few minutes, a few hours, or even a few days or longer, it's temporary. Remembering this can be the difference between a long period and a short period of writers block.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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