~ Chapter 1 ~

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The first time Izuku saw Shouto Todoroki, it was his first day of his new school.Long before he attended UA School of Music and Arts (better known as UA), he'd heard of him. He was famous for being a defiant son to his father Endeavour, pursuing music instead of heroism. But he was also famously known for being extremely talented (and good looking). Basically, everything that Izuku isn't.

Although, he should at least have a sliver of talent, as UA has very low acceptance rates, but nothing like the talent of Todoroki. He stands on the stage of the main hall, fiddling with a microphone stand. His bi-coloured hair flows over his shoulders and all the way to his waist. It's slightly wavy, and the colours of his hair stand strikingly against each other. It reflects the light in the most perfect way, not looking oily, but still shiny. Even the scar on the left side of his face is beautiful.He mutters something into the microphone to test, his smooth voice echoing throughout the hall.

'He's prettier than I am,' Uraraka whispers next to Izuku. He jumps and looks over at her. 'Like, he's objectively beautiful.'

He looks back over to Todoroki. He swears their eyes connect for a split second before Todoroki looks up and nods to the balcony. Izuku assumes that's where the tech people are. He and his life-long friend Uraraka sit in the front row, which was a terrible idea. He can't be this close to someone so... above him. Although, Bakugou's sitting next to him, so he cancels out some of Todoroki's grandeur. Regretfully, Bakugou's also a life-long friend of Izuku. Their mums were best friends even before they were born, so naturally, they grew up together. Izuku just met Uraraka in primary school.

'May we have your attention again, we apologise for the long wait,' the push-over of a principal asks. 'Todoroki Shouto is going to perform an orientation piece, which is amazing, considering it's his first year here at UA. He'll be performing "Confrontation" from Jekyll and Hyde. Please him a warm UA welcome.'

Applause fills the room for a good 5 seconds, before dying down to let him sing. Izuku adores this song. The slow, soft introduction, contrasted by the entrance of Hyde's hostility.

And Todoroki nails it. His voice is firm and steady, but still cadences with emotion. When he gets to the stronger part of the piece, Hyde's entrance, Izuku is physically taken aback. He sings with his stomach, his voice strong and low. Even the louder and higher parts of the song don't break his strength. His voice almost sounds adult with the absolute power that it bears. It sends shivers down Izuku's spine, and his cheeks warm slightly.

Uraraka catches on and smirks at Izuku as his face turns bright red. Izuku's too impressed to be mad at her.

The music comes to a close, applause erupting almost immediately. Izuku stands to applaud him, other people taking a couple of seconds to join him. Todoroki smiles at him for a second, and his face warms again.

He prays he isn't in any of his classes, because he doesn't think he could handle it. But the world isn't so kind.

He walks up to his homeroom and his stomach clenches. Through the glass, he sees that Todoroki sits on the only spare desk, and Izuku wonders why nobody's sat next to him. Then he sees Todoroki's bag on the other chair and breathes a small laugh. The door makes a loud click as he opens it. He winces, knowing everybody, including Todoroki, will turn their heads. Uraraka waves, sitting next to Bakugou.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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