Chapter Five - Africa

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            The next couple of days were a blur of bliss and perfection. Though I had envisioned an over the top, extravagant honeymoon adventure, I wanted Sebastian to keep in mind that I wanted to also experience the simple beauties of Africa. We arrived in Cape Town the day after our wedding. The hotel we stayed in was definitely fit for royalty and the staff were dressed in stark white uniforms as they assisted us with getting our luggage up to our suite. I don't know why I expected anything other than extravagant when it came to Sebastian. If it came to roughing it, I'd definitely be able to survive way longer in the wilderness, this I was sure of. I joked this to him as we unpacked and he rolled his eyes playfully at me. I took a brief nap before Sebastian woke me to get ready for dinner and fireworks on his yacht out on the dock. I decided to wear an emerald, cut out dress, given the heat, and put on light makeup. Sebastian wore a white button up and black pants to our dinner.

We met Domino and Stark in the hallway of our suite before getting escorted to the docks of the island. When we approached the yacht an involuntary gasp left my lips. The boat was huge, and  white with mahogany wood covering the floors and surfaces. Everything on the boat was sleek and extravagant looking.

"Oh my gosh, you own this?" I gawked as he took my hand and led me into the massive boat.

"Technically we own this." He smirked at me.

"This is beautiful." I said as I explored the yacht's interior. By the time I'd finished exploring, I was stunned at the six bathrooms, seven cabins, movie room, office and golf tee that was all built in on the yacht.

"Nice, huh?" Sebastian wagged his brows at me as we headed to the top deck of the deck for dinner.

"Nice isn't the word I'd use for this boat. More like spectacular." I laughed and he joined me.

"Well I'm glad you approve." He sighed.

Dinner was amazing. Sebastian had hired a private chef to make our meal: smoked salmon with asparagus spears and truffle mashed potatoes. For dessert, the chef had prepared a decadent chocolate cake that was to die for. After dinner, Sebastian went to the balcony to watch the fireworks. They lasted for ten minutes and afterwards, the stars glittered in the sky in such a majestic way.

              I found myself identifying the different constellations to Sebastian, pointing out the big dipper and Cassiopeia. Sebastian rose his eyebrows at me, obviously impressed by my knowledge for the stars. He asked me how I came to have a fascination with astrology and I informed him that Grams use to point them out to me as a kid.

"How is it we've dated for so long and I still feel like I'm learning so much about you still?" Sebastian asked as we sat cuddled up on a lounge chair.

"That's how it should be shouldn't it?" I asked, lacing my fingers through his.

"I just expected to know you so well by now." He shrugged.

"Well, I still don't know all there is to know about you. I'm sure you know more about me than I do about you."

"That's pretty accurate." He doesn't deny my statement and I half turn in his lap to look at him.

"What don't I know about you?" I frowned.

"Serena..." his thick lashes eyes squint at me.

"Don't 'Serena' me. What don't I know about you?" I rose a perfectly arched brow at him.

"Let's just drop it. Okay?"

"I don't want to drop it. I want to know what I don't know about you." I challenged.

He eyed me for a long moment before speaking again. I could tell I had annoyed him by pressing the question into him, but I felt I had a right to know considering I'd just married the guy.

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