Emitt's Encounter with a Cyclops

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'Okay son, play but make sure your gloves and hat doesn't come off,' Saber smiled, 'I don't want to lose-- just go play Emitt.'

Happily Young Emitt ran off to the playground. His big eyes widening at the sight of other children. He ran around joyously, sliding down a slide on his stomach.

Emitt stopped playing when he heard some pained screams coming from a hidden away side of the playground, Emitt looked around for the source of the screams, and saw a winged-boy kicking at a bald egg like thing. The egg thing was screaming.

'Werido!' Screamed the winged-boy kicking the egg in it's massive eye.

Emitt looked on at the boy nervously. Until the boy looked up and saw Emitt.

'Hey! Come here Sucker.'

'...' Emitt silently walked over obediently

'Kick this ugly thing with me.' He said

'...' Emitt remained silent and shook his head.

The boy obviously didn't appreciate Emitt's disobedience and slapped his face. Emitt's eyes watered but it was in vain. Emitt kicked the boy down and began punching him until his nose bled.

'WAAAAH!' The boy cried and ran away to his mother, Emitt watched him run and silently stood up the egg.

'T-thank you Vampire.' The girl mumbled, Emitt pointed to the badge his mum made for him years ago.

'Oh.. Thank you Emitt. I am Rebecca, a cyclops,' She smiled, her massive peach eye glittering, 'Would you like to get ice-cream with my dad and me?'

Emitt nodded, and held her hand walking towards Saber, his dad.

'Hello sir. Could my father and I take Emitt for ice-cream?' Rebecca asked, looking Saber in the eye.

'Of course, I'll come with you though.' Saber replied


The four went to the Creamy Creations. A local ice-cream parlour run by a werewolf family. As they walked in a girl the same age as Emitt and Rebecca jumped off of the counter and scurried over to them on all-fours.

'Hello! Come take a look at our AWESOME ice-creams and sorbets!!' Her passionfruit pink hair gleaming in the hot summer sun.

When the owner picked up his loud daughter Emitt, Rebecca and their fathers were able to pick their ice-creams.

'Father, can I have a rainbow ice-cream please?' Rebecca asked politely

'Of course, Darling!~' Rebecca's father smiled

Meanwhile, Emitt just pointed the Raspberry Coconut sorbet and Saber nodded and asked, 'One Raspberry Coconut Sorbet and a vanilla ice-cream.'

'I'll pay.' The fathers said together, then blushing, looking away and paying together.

That night, Emitt's storybook got a nice new drawing and journal entry.

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