Luna was shocked at what her boyfriend said and responded: "What? How did it happen?". David explained, "When the Ferris wheel ride ended she wasn't getting out of her seat so someone went over to check on her. She was found unconscious and now confirmed dead, it appears to be she was strangled. Probably by the person in the seat beside her. We tried looking for the person but we can't find her or him.". Word of Sybil's death started spreading around the carnival and so did fear. No one wanted to stay at the carnival where a murderer was roaming around. Within an hour of the murder, practically everyone had left. Luna reassured David: "Don't worry, this wasn't your fault. Let's just forget about this whole night and go watch a movie or something.". And that's exactly what they did, they went to the movie theatre and had fun. Except Luna was still a little uneasy. She truly felt now that her life was in danger and worst of all, she didn't know who it was that was endangering it.
When Luna got home Venus gave her a huge hug. Venus said softly, "I got a notification from the school, I'm so sorry. I know you and Sybil were close.". Luna replied: "When's the funeral?". Venus informed, "Sunday, the WSA sent out an email. Her poor parents.". Luna went up to her bedroom but alas it was another sleepless night for her. She looked out her window and petted Morticia to try to calm herself down. Venus was tired from all the work she had done for biology and still wasn't too anxious about all the murders. She slept like a baby.
In the 80 years of John Weston Public School's history, they had never dealt with an event like this. The parents of John Weston High students were already very argumentive but the murder at the carnival sent them through the roof, Principal Smith was dealing with hundreds of emails and angry phone calls. Though it hadn't been one of their children that was murdered they worried theirs could be next and didn't like that a killer had been let into the carnival. Eventually, he decided that the best thing to do was an assembly for both the parents and students so he could address them all at once. When David found out at lunch he exclaimed to Luna, "What am I going to do? They're all going to hate me!". Luna replied: "Oh, don't worry. It's not like you murdered her. You planned a great carnival and up until that moment everyone was having a great time.". She gave her boyfriend a reassuring kiss then they went to their next class.
As per usual with most events, when Venus and Luna arrived at the assembly no one wanted to sit near them. David came in slightly later with his parents and when he saw the empty seat beside Luna he sat beside her. Principal Smith came out with his hands shaking, you could tell he had been going through a stressful time. He stated: "Good evening, parents or guardians and students. As you know, a tragic event happened last night at our school's annual winter carnival. A teenage girl was found dead on the Ferris wheel from what appears to be strangulation. Despite the fact she was not a student from this school I understand there is a lot of concern.". When Principal Smith said the word "concern" all the parents erupted into angry chatter as they talked about their grievances. One mother cried: "What are you doing to try and find the killer?". A dad chimed in saying, "How do we know this won't happen again?". Another mom exclaimed: "I think the current student body president should be impeached. He was the one responsible for the carnival and there should be consequences.". David tightened his grip on Luna's hand as his heart raced. Principal Smith replied: "Yes, yes. I hear you all. No, we have not found the killer, that is up to the police. Yes, we will take extra safety precautions to ensure that such a tragedy does not happen again. Yes, David Schwartz, our current student body president will be impeached.". After the assembly, Luna comforted her boyfriend but she couldn't stay with him long because she had to go home with Venus.
The aftermath of Sybil's murder did not end with the assembly, all the witches in the WSA had been invited to her funeral. Luna never struggled with what to wear for funerals, all her dresses were black anyways. It's always sad when someone dies but the mood of the funeral was extra somber considering Sybil's young age at the time of her death. Michelle and Kevin, Sybil's parents, were unable to speak. Pandora, Sybil's best friend, was crying uncontrollably. All throughout the group chant, you could only hear sobs. It seemed as though Mother nature knew that it was a solemn day, the weather was freezing cold and there wasn't a spot of sunlight in the sky.
After the funeral, a bunch of the witches flew on their broomsticks to the WSA headquarters. They felt that it was in poor taste to hang out and chat in front of Sybil's family and close friends who were so clearly broken inside. When they arrived Violet asked Luna, "So what happened? You were the last person to see her before her death.". Venus retorted, "Hey, layoff her. It might be too traumatic of an event to talk about so soon after.". Luna replied: "It's okay, Venus. I don't mind." and then she proceeded to tell them about the events that took place at the carnival.
Violet was perplexed, three witches had died within her community. She said, "I just don't see any correlation between the witches that have died. They didn't live in the same neighbourhood, no mutual friends. Also, no one knew they were witches, they probably weren't killed on because of that.". Luna's face grew red with anger, she exclaimed: "But what if they were killed because they're witches? What if all of us are under attack? That killer probably wanted Venus dead at her party and misaimed his gunshot, getting that guy instead. Us witches are in danger and you, the head of the WSA, are doing about it!". Then she stormed away on her broomstick and went back home.
Venus was embarrassed. Violet was the highest-ranking witch within their community and she felt ashamed that her sister, who she had been rearing, was so rude to her. Venus apologized, "I'm sorry, Violet. Luna's been going through a tough time and I'm sure she didn't mean to insult you.". Violet responded, "Don't worry, I took no harm to what your sister said. You're right, she's upset. I don't blame her, it breaks my heart to see witches I've taught die.". The rest of the meeting was mostly just the witches sharing memories of the girls that had recently departed.
Afterwards, Venus went back home. She walked into Luna's room where Luna was lying down on her bed with her headphones on. Luna took out her headphones and said: "What? Are you going to yell at me for acting 'inappropriately' ?". Venus shook her head and responded, "I would've but Violet forgave you so I suppose I should. I know things seem kind of scary right now but trust me, nothing's going to happen to you.". The two sisters hugged then went downstairs to have some dinner.
The Protector of the Covenant: Volume Two
Teen FictionLuna and her sister Venus are still dealing with the aftermath of prom night. Venus moves on by going to university but Luna's life at high school has grown difficult now that everyone knows she is a witch. To add to their troubles, more and more w...