Mayor Matthews was crying as her daughter's life seemed to fade away, there were no lifeguards close enough that they could save her. Victoria surprisingly decided to use her telekinesis powers to save the mayor's daughter from drowning. Venus was proud and the mayor practically felt that Victoria was now eligible for sainthood. After this event, Venus decided to soften up her behaviour towards Victoria. When Alexei and Vladislav picked their daughter up Venus told them all that had happened. Vladislav replied: "I'm sorry she nearly killed Luna and ruined your guest room. But I am happy she made up for it with her behaviour at swim class. Thank you, Venus.". The Zamolodchikovas went back home and once again the sisters were alone.
Luna was with Violet at the Witch's Society of America headquarters practising spells. The final challenge in the Protector of the Covenant felt closer than ever and that scared Luna. Violet reassured her, "Don't worry, you are already doing so much better this year. I don't think we will see a repeat of what happened last time.". Luna inquired, "Can you give me a hint as to what it is?". Violet shook her head and responded, "No, I'm sorry. That is information only known amongst the highest members in the WSA.". Luna was upset, she had hoped if she found out what the spell is she could cheat and write the chant down on her arm.
Luna was trying to sleep but all she could think of was the final spell in the Protector of the Covenant. She decided, "I'll just have to try and befriend one of those high up members of the WSA.". When she woke up the next morning and came downstairs for breakfast, clearly in a hurray, Venus was surprised. She asked, "Well, where are you off to? Oh, wait, I know. To see David, right?". Luna knew her sister wouldn't approve of her attempt to cheat in the final challenge so she lied: "Yeah, me and David, hanging out. Yeah.". She quickly gulped down her coffee, took one last bite of her toast and went off on her broomstick to San Francisco. She called David on her way, "David, I have to warn you. I told my sister I was with you today as a cover because I'm actually trying to find out what the final challenge in the Protector of the Covenant is.". David laughed, "Oh, look at you trying to be a rebel!". Then he agreed that if Venus called him to say Luna was there.
Venus, Asali and Liam decided to go to a local art museum for a rare quiet day of no studying. The problem was the three of them had different tastes. Asali liked renaissance art, Venus liked impressionism and Liam's favourite was contemporary. While Venus and Asali could appreciate each other's taste when it came to Liam's the two of them would just burst out laughing. Liam grew upset and exclaimed, "Jesus, you guys! It's not that bad, you have to look at it in a different way! They're thinking of things no one else does!". Venus felt bad and apologized, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's not really me and Asali's style but I can see why some people like it.". The trio left the contemporary exhibit and went to the gift shop.
When Luna went to the WSA headquarters she tried to think of where the esteemed members would be. As she was walking towards the elevator she saw Pepper, who she knew was high up in the WSA. Pepper was crying on the phone so Luna approached her and asked, "What's wrong?". Pepper explained, "Well, I have these neighbours I can't stand and I was hoping they'd move away but apparently, they're staying! I just need them to disappear!". Luna replied, "Okay, I'll make you a deal. I'll get these neighbours gone and out of your hair if you tell me what the final challenge in the Protector of the Covenant is.". Pepper responded, "I won't just give you the Protector of the Covenant final challenge like that, you have to deal with my problem first then I'll give you all the necessary information.". Luna shook her hand and the two of them parted ways, knowing exactly what they owed each other.
Once Pepper had told Luna where her neighbours lived she flew over to them on her broomstick. It was clear to her that Pepper must be making a lot of money based on the house she lived in and the ones surrounding it. Luna thought, "What can I do to scare these people away?" as she drew closer to the next-door neighbours. Luna decided she should use a spell, but what spell would scare them she did not know. Eventually, she landed on an illusion spell to make them think murders were happening all around them.
For this spell, Luna required a glass of water, black ink and a black candle so she went to a nearby mall. It was difficult for her to find a store with all the items she needed because the stores were mostly expensive fashion places like Dior. Eventually, she found a place and got everything she needed. Luna thought, "I'll do the spell outside their house so I can see if it works. I saw them inside through the window so I can do it now.". When she got back to the house she had to place the glass filled with water in front of the candle. The next step was to look through the glass at the flame for a minute then drip three drops of black ink into the water and she chanted, " Darkness falls and darkness flows. Wonder what a dreamer knows? Fear and pain and things that scare. Magick brings to the owners of this house a nightmare.". The people inside the house must've heard her because she heard them coming towards the door, Luna flew up on her broomstick before they could see her. As she watched from above she could hear screams and within a couple of hours, Pepper's neighbours came running out of their house. As they got in their car they were calling Frank Leo, a real estate agent, to say they no longer wanted to live in their house and asked him to sell it as quickly as he could.
Venus was enjoying a nice cup of coffee at a cafe with Liam and Asali after their time at the museum had ended. Liam asked, "So did any of you end up switching to the dark side AKA contemporary art after what you saw?". Asali had a look of confusion on her face and replied, "What do you mean dark side?". Venus explained, "Dark side, like the Siths in Star Wars.". Asali remained confused and Venus sighed: "You don't know what Star Wars is, I guess. Don't worry we'll show it to you next time we all get together.". She was taking another sip of her drink when her phone's ringer went off. Venus picked up her phone and on the other end, it was Violet. Violet stated: "Venus you must come to the WSA headquarters now. Luna has broken the rules and I need to see the two of you immediately to discuss what her consequences will be.".
The Protector of the Covenant: Volume Two
Teen FictionLuna and her sister Venus are still dealing with the aftermath of prom night. Venus moves on by going to university but Luna's life at high school has grown difficult now that everyone knows she is a witch. To add to their troubles, more and more w...