Maybe I Like It

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     Being the only sibling in my family has its ups and downs.  I have all the privacy I can get, but I'm always so lonely.  Most girls my age would complain about their brothers or sisters getting into their personal belongings, but me?  I'm as lonely as hell. 

     My mom hadn't had the chance to have another kid.  If only she hadn't started ignoring my dad.  When my mom had just gotten married and became pregnant, my dad went off and got arrested.  She never got the chance to tell me how though.  Probably because she's still mad at him and doesn't want me to know how horrible of a father I have.  After she had me, she got a divorce and raised me by herself.

     We moved next door to one of her friends from work.  His names Ben.  I don't know him that well, but I know his son, Jason.  My mom and Ben introduced me to Jason, when we were about fourteen years old.  We hated each other.  He was the bully, and I was the innocent victim.

     After a long arguing and complaining year, we became friends.  The best of friends.  We had so much in common.  He also only has one parent like me.  His mom died, but I don't know how.  I don't blame him for telling me though.  I've never told any of my friends about my dad.  Everyone I know thinks my dad lives with me and my mom, like we're a perfect family. 

     Only Jason knows about my dad, well partly.  I kind of lied to him and told him that my dad is dead, but not how he "died".  I don't bring up the subject of his mom, besides, I don't like when he talks about my dad anyways.  I'm glad Jason's my friend though.  He keeps me company.

     Before we met, I needed someone to talk to other than my pillow.  Someone I could use as a roll model, but I had to learn things the hard way.  That's why I don't fit in.  I remember on the first day of high school I wore a t-shirt with pink and purple hearts all over it.  Ya, bad idea.  Even though I'm a total loser, Jason doesn't care, which is kind of surprising since he's the schools biggest player.  Never dates anyone, makes out with random strangers, but most of all, he's the most handsome boy in school, oh and we can't forget his ego system.

     Then I zone out of my daydream as Joliene waves her hands in front of me like I'm deaf.

    "Are you even listening?"

     "Maybe.", I say guilty.

     "If you want us to help you, then you need to at least try.", she added sternly.

     "Ya, she's right.  Well, she's always right.  I like these outfits.", Carmon says.

     "Sorry, I just don't feel comfterable wearing any of these for pictures."  Carmon and Joliene have come to senses that I don't fit in so they picked out some options of outfits to wear for picture day.  There's one that has a red top and tan sparkles on the rim with a matching sleeveless jacket also full of tan sparkles.  "Too sparkly."  The other one is a tight pink tank top that looks so tight that an eight year old could wear it.  "Too tight", I say.

     "Well boys like tight clothes.  It gives out your figure.", says Joliene. 

     "I don't have a figure!". She loves cute couples and is so boy crazy.  I think that's why she picked it out for me.  So some boys would notice me.

     "Ya, and the sparkles in the other outfit bring out your brown hair.", Carmon adds.  She's so obsessed with fashion and shopping, I think I know what she'll be when she grows up.

     "You guys, an eight year old could fit in that pink top.  And all the sparkles in the other one make the plane red underneath look so boring.", I complain.  "Like I said, I don't have a figure!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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