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I wake up to the sound of the television. Drifting in and out of sleep my dreams are vivid but I can hardly have one form before it dissipates and another starts. The message while muted is clear something is coming something big, and it's coming for me.
My eyes pop open and I focus on the grey of my ceiling. My mind still struggling to grasp my dreams while they fade out into nothing more than an uneasy feeling. What time did I fall asleep last night? Unsure Nia groggily lays in bed. When it hits me, it's my birthday, and not just any birthday, my 18th. I would finally go through my metamorphosis, and my awkward stages of puberty would finally make sense. I would be taken to the large white building in the center of the area. I would finally find out who I am, what I am. I have asked everyone about it, what will I go through, what will I do, will it be hard, and could I possibly die? Always I get the same dull answer "It's different for everyone." And I guess that's true, but I would think some things would stay constant. I mean millions of people have been taking this for hundreds of years surely there's some sort of pattern. Though no one answers me I know I shouldn't worry, my parents managed theirs. I'll probably transform into something similar to my family genus. A naiad like my dad, or a Cyclopes like my mom, maybe an elf like my grandma. Though I have never heard of someone failing their trials I still wonder. Laying in my bed all this runs through my mind as my dreams are completely forgotten. While I might not know what the outcome of my trials will be I do know I can't stay in my bed all day.
Especially since you never know when they will come for you.
"Up and at em", I groan, at my mirror I find staring back at me is my black hair frizz and tangles, nearly hidden Mono lid eyes, and my recent outbreak of ache. I'm glad I didn't need braces, I would have never been able to get away from the nerd stereotype. Shrugging it off I attempt to trim my bangs before I walk out for breakfast. I grabbed the scissors out of my desk drawer and started hacking away. Hoping for an angular mysterious look, but ending up with hair that looks like it was cut by a six year old.
"Need some help there love?"
I turn to see my dad standing in the door way. His usual lean but sturdy self and dark skin, flowers sprouting in his tight curls and beard showing his excitement. His green eyes still waiting for my reply I nod and hand him my scissors as he walks into the room.
"Big Day Today" he smiles
I sit still as he calmly twists my hair into a bun, he trims it all back to normal not a hair out of place.
"Don't be nervous no one has died from their trials in years"
Lucky me I can be the recent incident to scare all the teens.
"I know but I feel like something bad is going to happen"
He kisses me on my forehead.
"Everything will be fine. Come down to breakfast soon honey I'm making bacon"
he glides out of my room closing the door on the way out. I resolve myself with his words. My trials would go fine half the kids in my grade have already gone through them and everything had turned out okay.
I stumble down stairs finding my brother watching his favorite cartoons, he sure does love Princess Tao. I should get him a tiara for his 7th circle. The garage door swings open revealing my one eyed mother. Smoking from what was probably a fiery explosion.
"Hey mom" I nod.
She nods back at me and gives me her usual quiet smile. Her black eye looking bloodshot what I assume to be worry. She opens her mouth to start saying something
"Everyone in the dining room it's the last breakfast this child will have, let's make it a good one" dad shouts before she can talk. I look at her and she just gestures towards the kitchen. Curious as to what she was going to say I hesitate. She shakes her head to show that the time has passed. I walk in the kitchen smelling the sweet scent of maple syrup. Three big stacks of waffles sit in the middle of the table, surrounded by brightly wrapped boxes.
"Presents first we don't want any syrup on them, well at least not anymore."
Dad points at the giant yellow one directly in front of my seat. Picking up the heavy box I tear it open. Inside is armor, the leather straps connect to an array of finely polished brass plates. The shine and grit so perfect my refection was clear. Beautiful engravings in the metal, telling stories of the history of our world.

The great crisis, then the metamorphosis, the wars, and the new found peace from the complete change. The Six clans joining arms against the diseased hoards and whipping the disease of the face of terra.

Looking at this armor I knew this kind of intricate detail could be only created from my mother's master skills. I notice myself engraved in the story. When I traced my finger over the armor it starts to hum with magic.
"For your trials" my mother whispered. "I got it enchanted to feel weightless but it should hold up to the strongest aggression"
I looked up seeing my mother's nervous face studying to see if I liked it.
"This is amazing" I beamed. She gives a smile of relief and drowns her waffles out in syrup.
The next present I picked was a tiny brown box wrapped in green ribbon. Inside was a glittering silver compass.
"It will always point to truth."
As he said this the compass spun wildly and landed suddenly upon the word true, which was where north was only seconds ago.
"It was given to me for my trials, it served me through my life now I hope it will serve you".
I look up at my father with a nostalgic look in this eyes. My next present was from my grandmother. The Family crest of a tree intertwined with gears embroidered on a leather bracelet. With a note that read
- while this present is not magical I want you to always remember where you came from. Now that you are entering the world and may be leaving the tribe you will need this most of all. You will always have a home here. Remember that, with love – grandma
Then lastly from my brother a little bronze rock. "I found it in a birds nest" he mused I turn the rock over, it fit perfectly in the palm of my hand.
"Thank you" I look up at my last breakfast as a child. My family snugly around me. I took a big bite of my waffles, and felt better about everything.
Then there was a knock at the door.They were here. It was time to go to start my process of The Metamorphosis Trials. I would finally find out what happens in that big marble building. I looked around the table at the startled faces of my family.
"Well aren't they early"
My father gets up to answer the door as I hurry to try to grab everything I need. Slipping the presents in my pockets I turn to my mother who is already up armor in hands. I slip it on over my head and my mother's fingers go to work snapping all the straps perfectly into place. She finishes the last one just in time for my father and 3 people walk into the room.
The tallest person looks to be a Satyr with brown speckled grey hair and ebony skin. Twisted horns curling around his ears speak of his age. Although the largest of the group he seems to be a wised man. The Smallest was a pixie her green yellow wings fluttered like a humming birds. Her Silky black hair was pulled back into a long braid that fell over her shoulder and touched her toes. She seemed to be rather young, as her flight seamed erratic and not that of someone who had been flying for many years. Then finally the third person among them seamed to be most threatening. She was an elderly woman with a crocked nose and grey tangled hair. Her long white robes hid her hands but I had no doubt that this woman was a hag. She raised a hand to indicate that she was about to speak.
"Nia Sequoia the time has come for you to Change, you will come with us"
I nodded but made no move. I looked at my father for assurance that everything would be okay. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I took a step toward the three collectors. The hag smiled and walked towards me her arm out, guiding me where to move. We walked out of the house where I saw all the neighbors waiting on their doorsteps, watching me. My neighbor Nikki was waving and shouting good luck as I got into the car. As we drove off I looked back upon my street this could be the last time I see this street with these eyes. As we left New Troy I realized now was the beginning of the rest of my life.

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