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Bobby is chilling on the daybeds while everyone is playing in the pool. You are joking around with Lucas. Suddenly, Lucas splashes some water on You and you giggles flirtatiously while biting your lip.

Lucas traces the outline of your sopping bikini in the air, meanwhile Bobby watches the scene with hurt in his eyes. Tears fall down his cheeks, he can't bare the thought of you being with anyone other than him. He storms off to the kitchen, clearly upset.

You look up from the pool, noticing he's gone and follow him into the kitchen where you find him crying, crying very loudly. In the background, Lucas tries it on with Chelsea as soon as you leave. Of course, Chelsea refuses his advances, being a good friend to you.

"What's wrong babes?" you ask Bobby, heart clenching at the thought of him being hurt. "Oh this?" he forces himself to grin. "I'm rehearsing for my next drama TV show when i get out of the villa". You playfully throws some grapes at Bobby. Tears stop flowing down his face, he smiles.

"Oh.. you sure? Well in that case.. well done I guess?". Seeing your smile makes him happy, so he forces a laugh and nods. As you look in each other's eyes, Lucas storms into the room. He wraps his arms around your waist and makes direct eye contact with Bobby as he gives you a peck on the cheek.

"Hey sweetcheeks, why'd you run off?". Bobby stands up straight and gives Lucas a nasty glare, "Hands off my girl, mate". Lucas sneers as you gasp and free herself from him. 

"It's just a little graft, mate, why don't you chill?". You put your hand on Bobby's chest, to calm him down. "No one touches my girl" Bobby replies angrily. "Yeah? Try and stop me." Lucas jeers.

Anger flashes in Bobby's amber colored eyes. You place your hand on the counter. You feel like you're about to faint. Lucas looks at you condescendingly "Why don't you tell Bobby about our little kiss on the terrace, huh?". Your face turns to one of anger. You storms out of the room as tears well up in your eyes. "Well, turns out she's not who you thought she was" sneers Lucas. Bobby takes a step back and watches as you leave, he looks at Lucas in the eye and says, "We'll get back to this, mate".

Bobby runs after you and cries out "Hey, wait!" You are crying uncontrollably as, your two best friends, Lottie an Chelsea try to comfort you. "Do you want us to give you and Bobby some time to talk, babe?" Lottie asks you. You try to respond, but your words get caught between sobs so you simply nod. Chelsea hands you a stuffed toy bunny and a tissue box before following behind Lottie.

As Lottie and Chelsea leave, Lottie looks at Bobby and says "Please let her explain, you know she fancies you and not Lucas". Bobby gives a faint nod in response before sitting down with you and you slowly calm down. Bobby looks at you, all curled up and shaking slightly. "I'm...I'm sorry " you whisper. His heart falls into his stomach, he can't stand seeing you so distraught. Bobby places his hand on your shoulder, he waits before he speaks.

"..When did it happened?" He asks, avoiding your eyes. "It was last night... on the terrace" you respond. You take a deep breath to calm yourself, and then continue "I was so upset about the whole drama that's been happening with Shannon and Hope and I needed someone to talk to and... Lucas was there you know.. and he comforted me" you say, shaking. "It was a moment of weakness for me, okay?". I was drunk" you cough "it just kind of happened" you splutter. "I know it's not an excuse, but I love you so freaking much".

Bobby can't help but wince. When you finally look up at him you smile at each other. "You.. love me?" he blushes slightly. You give Bobby a small peck on the lips. "Of course I do. I'm your Queen of Boops remember?" you sigh deeply "I mean, I know it was so wrong of me, but please, don't let this come into our relationship". Bobby pulls you into a firm embrace. 

"I can't believe Lucas would kiss you when he knew you were drunk and vulnerable" suddenly, he's fuming again. He turns around, and sees Lucas standing behind them. Pecking your lips, Bobby stands and warily approaches Lucas. You look at a Lucas "That meant nothing to me and you know it". 

Lucas looks angry "Oh yeah? I bet it did. Where was Bobby when you were feeling like that, huh?". "He was here, and he always will be" you respond angrily. "Where I was is none of your business, don't you dare turn this on me, you know what you did was wrong" Bobby says as he steps closer to Lucas. "Listen mate, if she kissed me it means she likes me at least a little bit. So she is clearly not 'your girl'" Lucas says smugly. Lucas continues "We're all here for the same reason, and i have every right to crack on with sweetcheeks over there." 

You look upset and fragile, Lottie, who noticed the shouting runs inside and screams at the boys to stop fighting. You gasps, as she tries to respond "What do you know about my feelings? You just came here, and felt entitled to think that I'm some sort of toy you can play around with, when I'm clearly not interested". Lottie is furious. "Lucas you need to calm the hell down and say sorry, you realize she doesn't fancy you at all right?" You make eye contact with Lottie, a grateful expression on your face while Lottie continues "and she already said she's not a toy, so leave her alone". 

Bobby clears his throat "Mate, please, go away, you already messed things up enough", he says as he makes Lucas back down and exit the room. Lucas stares down at Bobby as he tries to shove him out the room, "This isn't over mate, watch your back." and with that he leaves the room and slams the door. 

You wrap your arms around Bobby in a romantic embrace as you sob onto his shoulder and repeatedly apologize for what you did. Bobby runs his soft hands through your hair and tells you it'll all be okay. "It's fine babe" he whispers to you as he hugs you tightly "It's okay ... calm down".

He lift your chin and wipes away your tears, as he locks your lips in a soft kiss. Lottie quietly leaves to give you both privacy, smiling, happy to see her two best friends together again.

You sinks into the kiss, wrapping your arms around Bobby. Never in your life have you felt this much love for anyone else. You promise yourself that you'd treasure every moment you could get with this wonderful man. Lucas or no Lucas. Villa or no Villa.

#LucasGate | A story written by Clowns IslandWhere stories live. Discover now