Introduction and Other Things

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Hi, this is DJ! 

Just a couple things:

So this is the first story I'm putting up that's boyxboy. I'm really proud of it and I hope everyone likes it, if not, I hope you all find something pleasant! ^^

That being said, it is a boyxboy, gay tale, so if that doesn't squeak your ducky then you are excused x3

Okay, another thing, with this story I will for the first time ever, be attempting a schedule!! Yay!! 

After this coming Sunday, the 26th, I'll be posting every Sunday thereafter (hopefully).

One more thing I need to mention. The dialogue in this story might get offensive because I want to portray the environment that Ranil resides in and grew up in. He hangs out with a lot ot American blacks and African-Americans and so within that culture the "n-word" will make appearances. Ranil himself won't be comfortable saying it, but his peers and such are so be aware. I understand this kind of thing is offensive to some readers so I'll put a warning at the beginning of each chapter. 

So without further ado, here's Preparing For The Tide/That Indian Boy! 

An Indian and His Tide (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now