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Hi im Secrela, and this is one of my story's.

I live on the broken queep world, and have never been on earth. i was born there before it all broke. But this will not be about the day the world broke, its about when *my* world broke.

It was a good day, today we would have the spirit festifal, my friends got me a very pretty dress for that day and i loved it, i remember it being all blue and very soft. I went to the festifal and had a realy good time with all my friends. I remember at some point a fight broke out and i was kinda scared of it, after all, i was still a very young queep. After a while it was finaly time to go home so i left with my best friend. When we where on our way home we got atacked, i don't remember much but if i remember well it was a dark spirit of some sorts. Most things i forgot but i do remember all the fear i had and then blacking out. When i woke up the darkness was still there, i tryed to blink but i couldn't. i reached up to my eyes to feel nothing, only empty sockets. My eyes where gone! I screamed at the top of my lungs for help, my friends came rishing in and helped me calm down. My friends explained to me what happend. After a long time of thingking and taking it all in i had to figure out how to live without my eyes, wich was everything to me. I learned to listen and even feel energy. Feeling energy was realy usefull, it coused for me to be able to feel where things where and what things where doing. After a while i got fully used to having no eyes. Everything always has felt like everything was fine, only that my friends where around more often, after some time it also seemed like they got realy stressed about a lot of things, i just tought it was couse of my blindness. After some time one of my friends came to me and told me they found someone who might help me get my eyesight back, ofcourse i agreed couse there wasn't much to lose. Or so i tough... but oh was i wrong... The queep gave me new eyes, and i will never forget what i saw the first time i opened them, i right away wanted to close them again, not wanting to believe what i had seen. The whole world had lost most of its collor and everything was dead or broken, no queeps around exept my friends. it was all just... dead. I then realised why my friends where so stressed, they wanted me to not notice anything about the horible world around me. Aparently our world got atacked by some kind of weird creatures and most queeps left or died, we where some of the few that surfived. I learned to use my soul weapons and powers, i even got my own spellbook now and am helping my friends survife in this world, but sometimes just sometimes i still wish i could lose my eyes again...

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