New Begining

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~Maddie POV~

Beeeep, Beeeep, Bee-

Reaching over my body with my arms I turn off my alarm clock.Throwing the blankets off of me a slowly head toward my personal bathroom.After using the restroom and brushing my teeth, I splash cold water on my face to wake me up.

Faster then before I quickly run over to my neatly folded, already set out clothes waiting for me.Slipping off my sleepwear I slip back into my clothes for school.

I decide to eat a plain blue shirt with tight pants rolled up my legs a bit, with blue high top converse, and a small lightweight grey jacket.Bringing a brush through my hair, I begin putting it up in the tightest possible pony tail, not wanting it to fall down during my sport tryouts later.

Grabbing my light grey book bag with F•R•I•E•N•D•S knitted into the front pocket by myself, I head downstairs to greet my parents.Jumping happily down the stairs I see my mom sitting at the table working on her laptop with a coffee mug in her hand, and my dad leaning against he counter with a mug in his hand, reading the newspaper.

Opening the cabinet to grab some bread my parents finally notice me. "Oh!Good morning sweetheart!Exited for your first day back at school?"

I let out a quiet sigh. "No not really.Im super nervous and you know how shy I am!I don't know how to make friends.."I grab the butter from the fridge and a butter knife.Spreading the butter evenly before popping it in the toaster.

"Oh, don't worry about that.Im sure you'll be fine."My dad looks up from his newspaper, which is rare.

"Ah!That reminds me.Km going to be going on a week long business trip.So honey, you will stay here with your father."

"Alright.Thats fine."The toaster throws my toast up, causing me to jump, startled.

My dad softly chuckles. "Remember to stay away from those boys.Don't even think about asking to bring one here."

My mom rolls her eyes. "Oh hush Derik.She can bring a boy over to study but she has to stay in a open area.She knows the rules."

I quickly eat my toast seeing the bus approaching from down the road.Rushing up stairs, I grab my phone, earbuds, and backpack.Rushing back downstairs, to see my parents waiting at the door for me, just as he bus is stopping in front of our house.

I quickly kiss both parents on the cheek saying a quick goodbye and running toward the bus.Before stepping on I hear my dad.

"Stay away from those boys!"

I roll my eyes a soft smile on my face.Heading toward the back of the bus, I see a free seat.Sitting down quickly I pull out my earbuds and plug them into my phone playing.Mystery Of Love by Sufjan Stevens.

Staring out the window, I see all the houses pass.Sighing I look at the time, 6:40.School opens at 7:30, and by how far away we are, we'll most likely get there around 8:40.

Resting my head against the window I slowly drift into sleep.Dreaming about how I hope this year will turn out.

{New Character Introduction}

Name-Carson Hernandez

Captain of the football team.Most popular guy in school.Has a girlfriend by the name Rachel Stein.Nice guy, smart, and mean when needed.


~Carson POV~

Stepping onto the bus, everybody starts to celebrate, that I'm riding the same bus they are riding.Going toward the back of the bus where I normally sit I see no empty seats beside one with a girl sleeping in it.

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