This Is Why Cheating Ruins Relationships

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You came home expecting to see Yongguk oppa waiting for you, smothering you in kisses and him telling you how much he loved you.

You started walking around the house to find Yongguk because you had some special news to tell him. But he was nowhere to be found, so you headed towards the bedroom that you both shared to see him sleeping with another women. They were both naked and she was cuddling into him. Your blood started to boil there was no way to avoid confrontation.

You headed towards the lounge room where all the pictures were displayed of you and Yongguk. There was only one use for them now to be broken and burnt. You started throwing each picture frame around the room and threw one at the bedroom door, that should wake him up.

"Jagiah what are you doing home so early." Yongguk asked.

"Why are you sleeping with another woman?" You spat at Yongguk.

"Let me explain ________ it's all just a big misunderstanding" Yongguk tried to explain.

"Like hell I'm going to let you explain your sorry ass." You threw another photo frame of the two of you at him.

You started pacing towards the cupboard where you kept the photo book of you and Yongguk. The only use for these photos now was to be burnt. You headed to the kitchen and put the photo book into the sink and looked around for a lighter.

"What are you doing ______." Yongguk asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm burning memories." You told him with a devilish grin on your face.

Then you threw the lighter onto all of the photos. Oh how his expression was beautiful, tears streaming down his face and sobbing.

You headed towards the bedroom to bash the shit out of the women who has ruined your relationship. While moving towards the bedroom you felt the life inside you kick. This made you smile, then you remembered this child was half of him.

While you stopped for a second to feel your stomach, Yongguk came up behind you.

"______-ah I love you, can you please forgive me? Yongguk begged.

You turned around and spat back at him, "Now why would I do that."

"Because I love you and this is an accident. She came on to me and forced me to do it." Yongguk tried to explain.

You headed back towards the bedrooms to collect your stuff. It was time to leave Yongguk NOW!

You entered the bedroom to see the person he was having a affair with sleeping on your side of the bed, and wearing your clothes.

This made you furious, how dare she ruin your life with the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You headed toward your wardrobe and packed all of your clothing into suitcases.

While you were taking your clothing out of all of your drawers, the photos of your unborn baby fell out.

"What is this?" Yongguk asked curious.

"Nothing." You replied.

You quickly picked up the photos off of the floor, and finished packing your bags. Yongguk's mistress just slept on the bed, like nothing was happening.

When Yongguk walked out of the room, you quickly jumped on the bed and pushed that bitch onto the floor, you even pushed hard so that she would be in pain.

At this moment she screamed in pain and Yongguk rushed into the room. He cradled her in his arms to soothe her, what about you, you were 100% in more pain than she was.

"________ please leave." Yongguk told you.

"Now why in the world would I want to do that, when I can stay here and make you all miserable." You replied bitterly.

You walked to you bedside table and opened all the drawers and threw all the contents onto the floor. From there you continued to trash the place. After all it did belong to Yongguk.

After you had finished you gathered up all your suitcases of clothing and anything else you wanted to take with you. You started to head for the door.

Yongguk came behind you and touched you stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me, that you were pregnant?" Yongguk asked with concern.

"I was going to tell you tonight, but now you've ruined everything!" You replied.

You rushed out of the door and towards your car, you could hear Yongguk's steps behind you. You quickly packed everything into your car, when he grabbed you wrist.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm truly really sorry. Jagiah please can we start over?" Yongguk begged.

You could see tears forming in his eyes.

" No Yongguk, I will be having this child without you. You have made this mistake and it is something you are going to have to live with for the rest if your life." You tried to reply calmly.

Tears were also forming in your eyes. You did truly love this man, but he cheated on you and now you have to leave him. If he's got guts to cheat on you, then he's got guts to live with it for the rest of his life. You got into your car and drove as fast as you could. You wanted to leave this area of Seoul as fast as you could..........

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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