Starting day!

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The smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning is what Bryan needed.

The smell being so rich and sweet that it was only natural for Bryan to work in a coffee shop. The young man in his second year of college, working part time in the popular coffee shop was a thrilling adventure. Bryan was the assistant manager of the shop called "The Oasis". Though to be fair, Bryan wasn't sure on how he managed to get assistant manager, it was beyond him.

So the first week of the new school year has arrived, which meant the shop was running slow. Not to mention it was bright and early so not many people were up, so it was slow enough for Bryan to relax and- oh who was he kidding. He needed to make sure everything was set to go just in case any customers came in. So off to work he was, setting up and cleaning the tables ahead of time. Then it was no surprise when his fellow coworker came in for the morning shift later on.

"Bryan? What are you even doing?" Yawned Magnus already in the shop.

"Oh Magnus! I didn't think you would want to come into today?" Bryan had asked the other.

Though it might have not looked like it. Bryan hated when the new peep worked the morning shift. Especially when they had just transferred over from another school. It was hard to get into a rhythm at the start of a new school year. Not to mention getting a job was even harder to manage with all the chaos.

Now he wasn't one to judge considering that he had gotten this job last year around the same time.

"Why wouldn't I come in today?" Magnus questioned him as they walked for the backroom.

Bryan quickly flushed at his thoughts and how much of a hypocrite he was.

"Sorry, it just seemed way too early for you to come in," Bryan quickly made an excuse.

There was a silence before he heard Magnus come out to join Bryan at the table he was at.

"Isn't too early for you to be here too?" Magnus glares at Bryan. The glare had no ill intention but more of a worry.

Bryan basically lived for the coffee place. He loved it, always being the person to work morning shift and the closing ones.

Bryan chuckled lightly. "Guess it is, but I didn't want to leave you alone to open up."

Magnus rolled their eyes. Magnus was a strange one indeed but one that cared for Bryan, even though he had seen them try to threaten to smack someone with a broom before.

A group of assuming freshmen rolled in not so long after their morning talk. So then Magnus had gotten to help Bryan take and make the orders from there on.

Nearing 9 a.m. his other coworker had arrived to take over Bryan's shift. Inmo... not to argue or anything! Inmo was a great guy in Bryan's opinion, it's just that he was too shy to speak sometimes and was way too antisocial for his own liking. But Inmo was great at making coffee, so he was worth it.

Even though Bryan shift was over by now, he stuck around to make sure things went smoothly, or until Mitch came in.

Due to Bryan's luck, things went sour.

"Bryan," Magnus poked Bryan before getting his attention.

"What is it?"

"We ran out of Caramel sauce."

"What to do you mean we ran out!? I just checked it this morning!?" Bryan said as his voice squeaked a little in sudden panic.

"The cap was accidentally too loose and when Inmo went to use it. It all fell." Magnus had said bluntly as they handed him the now empty bottle.

Bryan took a deep breathe before looking anything to solve this. They were supposed to get their new order of Carmel sauce till tomorrow.

"Ok, Magnus, I need you to try your best to make sure no one gets any Carmel related stuff till I get something from home." Bryan said before turning to Inmo who was a mumbling way too much. "Inmo it isn't your fault. Just go back to making orders, I'll deal with this, ok?" He said with a reassuring smile at the end.

Inmo had only nodded before continuing to mumble but was now making drinks.

Bryan took out his phone and texted him roommate, Jyles, who was bound to be up now.

To Jester boy:
<< Jyles, can you go get some Carmel sauce that's in the fridge to me?

From Jester boy:
>> why? Can't you get it?

To Jester boy:
<< Just do it please! We ran out of Carmel sauce at work

From Jester boy:
>> did you steal it!? I'm so proud of you!

Bryan rolled his eyes, even without Jyles being here, he could still hear his voice.

To Jester boy:
<< I did not steal it, I bought it. Now hurry up and bring it over to me!

And with that message sent Bryan was nervous to see how long it would take Jyles to come with the bottle.

"Go get changed," he heard Magnus say to him with a scary tone.

"B-but I need to see if j-" he was cut short because of Magnus pushing him away from the machines and the registers.

"Don't worry, we can handle it, besides your shift ended 15 minutes ago." Magnus insisted. "I can make sure Jyles hands me the Carmel."

Bryan sighed before smiling. "Fineeeee- just don't kill him!" He said before he was left alone to change out of his work clothes.

Once out of work clothes, Bryan had walked to the door as he waved Magnus and inmo goodbye and hello to Mitch. But that's where he spotted him.

He was tall and had long fluffy black hair pulled into a ponytail. Simple square glasses and was dressed in mostly black clothing. All Bryan could say was that, he was stunning to say the least.

Bryan shook his head, he had stuff to do! No time to stare at the tall dude! So he started to walk towards campus to start his day. But he could have sworn that his heart skipped a beat.

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