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Hi!  this is my first story i ever writing in wattpad I love reading and writing so i'm givining a go  well my name is Lorena but you will know me as Lore for short (and is also one of my three nicknames so) I'm a sophomore in highschool I am 15 and I am from Chicago I am also Latina/Hispanic so I know spanish too is my first language really so if you guys want a spanish story tell me also Larry isn't the only ship I know. I also know  Grethan,Raura, Hannie,Cannie, Ashannie, Cayden, Aristemo but if you guys want a specific type of ship you name it and I will search as much as i can about it and make a story also sorry for the grammar i am using my computer for this story unless i say otherwise but my computer is program in spanish because is also my families computer so yeah here we go hope you enjoy it

P.S. this story is in Louis POV unless i say otherwise and is base during 2013 for now

It was a normal monday morning for Louis waking up for some interviews with the band faking his and harry's frienship infront of everyone

"well another day with harry's fake friendship i still don't get why he hates me like literally in the X-Factor I really though we were friends until we were left alone one time and he started telling me that he hates me and all which I still don't get,but we agree that infront of fans and families even with the lads we would act like bestfriends but then we would go back to hate each other but to be honest i don't really hate him oh well" I though to myself before the interview started since i have to sit next to harry

"well good morning ,today we have One Direction with us" The interviewer said

"hello guys" she said "Hi" we all said in unision is funny how we can all do and say alot of things at the same time with out practicing

"so how are you guys doing"

"we are doing quite fine besides the fact its early in the morning but give us some sugar and we would be up" Niall joke

"Hmm i see(she fake laugh) well we have some questions from the fans that they want you guys to answer, so this fan ask do you guys ever fight" the inteviewer ask oh if she only new about me and harry

"no not really a lot people think that we might fight a lot since we live together and see each other all the time but in reality we don't but when we do fight they aren't big fights there mainly about were to go eat since nialler here loves Nandos or about who's turn is to do the cleaning,laundry and doing the dishes since louis doesn't like cleaning much but besides that we don't" Liam responded i feel bad because they don't know about me and harry either

"heeeey is not that i don't like cleaning is that what is the point of cleaning if it would get dirty again" I said

" it stil means that your lazy mate" niall said

"true" i said while doing a weird face to niall in which he laugh

"another fan ask who is single and who is dating"she ask

"i'm single" niall responded

"same"i said while fist bumping with niall (in this story eleanor doesn't exist sorry)

"yup" Harry said

"i'm curently dating someone"Liam said

"i am also dating someone"Zayn said

"so as we all know you guys are really close but louis and harry are the closest in here"She said

"yup they are in seperable"zayn said oh no please don't tell me we have to lie and act

"so since you two are really close ,fans ask some questions to you two only"she said "so they ask if you two ever hang out together alone with out the other guys" she ask

"yeah we do actually last week we went to this shop to see if we can fine clothes for each other to prove if we know each other's style"harry responded yeah we did but it wasn't like that we were both angry at each other because during tour he wore one of my jumpers and he though it was his so we dare each other to buy an outfit for each other so we can see who clothes is who's

"yeah and i think i did pretty good considering that harold here has a really weird taste of style" I said

"heeey my style is pretty good its just something that people wouldn't normally wear" he said with a fake pout

"sorry haz the only reason people don't wear that it's because it is a weird style" i said

"meanie"he said

"but you can always make it look good" i said hey i had to complement him if not people would think i mean to him which i am but still

"awww boobear you think i look good with what ever I wear even if you don't like my style" he said with a smirk why did i have to complement him and why did my mom told him about my nickname

"don't flater yourself young harold" i said

^6 minutes later

"well this the end of the interview guys have i nice day" the interview said

"you too" we said at the same time really how do we do that

"hi lads i have good news for you guys" Paul said

"hey paul what are the good news" we said at the same time we really need to stop doing that

"you guys are going on a vacation for a month" Paul said

The Vacation That Change Everything(Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now