Rain. Night. Trees all around me. I was looking for my cat, but now im lost in forrest. It's midnight. I used flashlight on my phone, but battery's dead. I saw something. Some kind of gray, skinny creature. Oh, it's my cat. But I'm still lost. I have to find a way out. It's getting colder. And storm is getting worse. Well, at least I found my cat. Now, who is going to find me? I see small path that leads deep in forest. I will follow him. Maybe I will find shelter.
Oh I see some old house. Maybe someone can tell me where I am. *knock knock* No one opened. Doors are locked. Oh, wait. I opened them. Oh my god! Something tall is running towards me. I'm slaming the doors and running away. I still hold my cat in my hands. I hear wishpers all around me. They are getting louder. I just want to sit down for a minute. Only one minute! But no. I can't. That thing is still behind me. Finaly! End of forrest. I see a road. I'm stopping a car. I'm saying everything to driver. He told me legend about that creature. He dropped me at my house. I thanked him. I gave some food to my cat. Now I have to charge my phone and post my new adventure.