Extensive Authors Note - PLEASE READ -

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The Elevator - Authors Note

Hey y'all!

So this is my Elevator One Shot - As some of you know, I've been working on this for quite some time now... I would have liked to have it up three weeks ago, but sometimes life gets in the way of things. 

It's based off of one of the "Who'd you rather..." questions Tyler answered in one of his Slumber Party tour shows... The question was "Which would you rather get stuck in an elevator with for five hours?" He answered "I would pick Troye... uhh we get along. Whatever." So yeah, this is based off of that (and frankly I'm surprised no-one else has done this yet).

So there are two versions of this scenario, as you may have figured out. There's a clean version, and a smut version. It was originally going to just be smut with a bit of backstory, but I know some people in our fandom don't enjoy reading or writing smut, and I thought, to be fair on them, that I could write a clean version. This way everyone gets to enjoy this little Troyler moment and not have to read around or avoid things they don't particularly like. 

** I have just found out that, unfortunately, due to the content in my smut version, you can only read it if you follow me... I don't know how to change this.. I would if I could, so, sorry about that :( **

Please feel free to read both. There is a different reaction after the first little kiss; one of them ends in a bunch of fluffy cute dialogue and soft kisses (yay), and the other... well, I mean, I don't think I really need to explain what happens. (Super yay) ;)

Instead of writing two seperate AN's at the end of each version, I thought I'd just leave dedications and fic recommendations here instead.  So here we go... 

The smut version is dedicated to the amazingly talented Ida ( @colour-me-troyler ). It's because of you that I was able to find the motivation to write this when things weren't going right, or when I was frustrated and angry at myself for not being able to word things how I wanted them to. Thank you Ida for being amazingly kind and patient with me, and for the gentle encouragement you gave me when I was close to just giving up on it all! 

The second version is dedicated to Maddi ( @Anontroylershipper ). You were the first person to show interest in me as an editor, not just a writer. It's always nice to have a break from my own stories and edit someone else’s work - not having to really think of where I want a story to go or what I want a character to say. So thank you for letting me be part of your fics journey, you're truly a great author, and I look forward to working with you on future stories (hopefully!).  If you haven't already, go check her story out and send her some love!

To Ren ( @erhabori ) and Ivy ( @Ivy625 ) thank you both for your continued support. You both mean the world to me, and I couldn’t have asked for better internet friends :3

Fic recommendations:

1) If I Fall – by @xaamberrx.  

2) A Touch of Courage – by @erhabori

3) Keeping it Legal – by @onlyarandomfangirl

4) What isn’t vlogged, won’t hurt you – by @Anontroylershipper

 Go give all these stories some love, and tell the authors I sent you!

Please let me know what you think in the comments section - I'm really really nervous as this one shot has taken me quite some time to write and edit - twice. I really hope it lives up to some of your expectations, and that I've done it enough justice.

Much love,

Jackie Xx

The Elevator - Troyler Where stories live. Discover now