The Test...

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'Ooooh man' thought Yuzu as she was grumbling on the way home. 'I'm not even sure if I passed that test or not.'

Yuzu's grades at Aihara Academy have always been a mixture of highs and lows. Although she has managed to get in the top one hundred, it was always a struggle. And this last test was most difficult for her.

'I swear, these test seem to get harder and harder to do' she thought. 'I know that Mei keeps pushing me to study all the time.
But I do study as best I can. Sure I hang out with Harumin when I should be studying, but I still try my best.'

Thoughts of the test followed her all the way to her apartment building. She checked her mail box, found two envelopes, then moved towards the elevator.

'I won't even know if I passed until tomorrow. This is torture' she thought as the elevator moves up. 'I know I'll have to study more for the next test, but they're so haaaaaard!'

As the elevator doors open, she could hear her footsteps echo in the hallway heading to her home.

'I wonder if Mei already knows my grade yet? I guess I could ask her.'

'But what if I failed? What if she's disappointed in me? Or what if she's mad at me?'

'Oh man! Is she gonna hate me? What if she doesn't wanna be with me anymore? What if I can't hold her hand anymore? What if she won't let me kiss her anymore?'

She pondered her thoughts as she opened her apartment door.

"I'm home" she said.

The hallway was darker then usual. Yuzu couldn't see much light anywhere. And it was very quiet.

'Am I the only one home?' she thought as she stepped inside.


"WHAA!" yelled Yuzu with a skipped heartbeat.

Yuzu was startled as the door closed violently behind her as the overhead light clicked on. She turned to see Mei, standing with her head down, still in her school uniform, with her hand on the door that she just slammed shut.

"Dammit Mei!" she yelled. "You scared the hell out of me. What're you doing? You can't be sneaking up on people like that!"

Mei didn't say a word. Her head was still down as her hand slid away from the door. Her facial expression was blank as always.

"Geez, what's gotten into you Mei?" continued Yuzu. "You look kinda creepy. Why are you acting so we..."

"Yuzu?" said Mei. "Why do you hate me?"

Yuzu was shocked by Mei's question, not wanting to believe that Mei actually asked her that.

"What? What are you talking abo..."

"You must hate me Yuzu" said Mei in a low tone. "That's what makes sense. A lot of it makes sense now."

Yuzu was scared now. Why was Mei saying all this?

"What are you taking about Mei?" said Yuzu with fear in her voice. "You know that I lov..."

"Then why did you fail the test?" asked Mei in the same low tone.

Yuzu felt as if all the air left the hallway. A numb feeling went through her body at what Mei just said.

"I.... I failed" she said with a crack in her voice.

"It must be because you hate me. That must be it, isn't it Yuzu?" said Mei as she began to move closer to Yuzu.

Yuzu was afraid to move. What was going on? Why was Mei sounding like this?

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