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The sound of panicked foot steps could be heard echoing in the dark hallways followed by loud mettalic clangs.

In the middle of the hallway there was a battle between several immovable knights versus some people you would call adventurers a party of 5 it seems.

The Man in front held a large shield holding hes ground trying to hold of the onslaught of this Knights but he was already battered a d he was getting tired he yells at hes comrades to escape while they can.

Behind him was a mage using up the last of there magic to blast another knight but fatigue has gotten to them a d they collapsed they had refused to leave there comrade behind, meanwhile a swords man tried hes best to defeat the knights but alas hes wounded has gotten to him and hesadword broke on hes last swing falling backwards as hes legs gave way do to an arrow on one of them.

A person in white tried her best to help her three comrades and heal her friend but she too was running out of mana she also refused to leave meanwhile a new member of there party has run of a rouge who had foolishly triggered the trap and is now running leaving them behind wetting hes pants hes panicking only caring about hes own life.

Meanwhile the relentless Onlsaugth of the Onights continued they seem to hold no remorse as they finnaly broke the shield man's shield and cut him down approaching the rest of the party to finish them off there movement maybe slow but there attacks had power the last thing the party would see would be the red glowing eyes inside the helmeted of the ones that killed them.

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