Chapter 1

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The Revolution had not been a peaceful one.

Everyone knew what vampires were- a fairy tale passed through history, blood sucking creatures of the night. What the humans didn't know was that their days of power were numbered, that these beasts of lore were a hidden and very real threat.

It started with a coordinated attack in strategic locations around the U.S. and indeed, the entire world. It didn't last long considering vampires were smarter, faster, stronger than humans. In a matter of months those humans who dared to fight back were slain and the fate of humanity was hanging between the claws of the vampire species as a whole.

The vampire leaders decided to be generous and leave the humans who obeyed alive, keep them as pets and servants. The human trade grew to be a staple of vampire culture over generations of humans. They bred them as humans used to breed dogs or horses, prized studs who produced quality babies being rented out for a profit.

That's where I come in. From a long line of prestigious blood, I was born in a small breeding facility that boasted only the best and most subservient humans. Luckily for me, the vampires who bred me cared for their stock like the expensive and sought after products they were, and I was given hormone replacement and top surgery after I realized I was transgender as a younger teenager. Not to mention the cozy pens with nice soft blankets and regular grooming we all got.

I was older than a lot of the other humans at the compound, I knew my vampire owners were considering using me as breeding stock so they held onto me a lot longer than a human breeder usually would with their projects. After years of deliberation they decided to sell me off at the next auction they held as I would fetch them a hefty price being as I was somewhat of a novelty.

I wasn't sure which I would've preferred as I knew I'd be treated well with my current owners despite being constantly put under the stress of pregnancy, whereas I had no idea what a new owner would have in store for me. I didn't dwell on it long, it wasn't my decision to make either way.

The auctions my breeders held was a big event that happened every year. They threw a fabulous party, invited all the important vampire lords from around the area, and auctioned off a select few humans at the end of the night. Every vampire gave their all when it came to bidding for us, as I said before our owners were very well known for their quality humans.

It was the night of the auction and I was feeling anxious as I paced my pen. I had just been groomed earlier in the day, given a nice hot bath and a haircut so I was presentable for the auction.

I jumped as one of the vampires who worked at the breeding facility was at my pen, they moved so silently I was always startled when they seemed to appear out of nowhere. She opened the pen and I was immediately there presenting my collared neck for her to clip the leash onto. She patted my cheek before turning and leading me down the row of spacious cages the other humans were kept in, some being empty from the previous auctions that had already taken place that night.

As we left the breeding facility and approached the main house the breeders lived in, I allowed myself to gawk briefly. It was less of a house and more of a Manor. It towered three stories above us, pristine but cozy with the warm light spilling from the many windows.

The vampire leading me took us through a small backdoor and through some winding hallways before we emerged in the grand ballroom and I was lead onto a stage at the front of the room. I heard someone speaking over a microphone but I was too stunned by the sight in front of me to process what they were saying.

There were hundreds of vampires in the ballroom, sitting at circular tables. It was more beings in one place than I'd ever seen collectively in my entire life, and they were all vampires so of course they were all drop-dead gorgeous. As the voice over the microphone continued I saw countless hands fly up, holding little paper signs. I realized they were bidding on me and my gaze flew around the room watching the paper signs flashing. They slowly dwindled until there were only two, popping up consecutively. Eventually one stopped, and one single sign was raised high into the air as the announcer proclaimed the vampire holding the sign the winner of the auction.

I was hustled away by the vampire holding my leash and back into the twisting hallways from which we had come. She seemed to be in a hurry, speed walking down the halls at such a pace I had trouble keeping up with her. Finally we emerged onto the front drive, and my leash was handed over to an older vampire who ushered me into a sleek black car.

I was alone in the backseat of the car, a divider shutting me off from the driver. I looked around and spotted a piece of parchment on the seat beside me, the front reading "Human" in beautiful scrawled script. As the car started moving I hesitantly picked up the paper and unfolded it.

As I have just purchased you from your breeder, you are now my property. I expect you to do as I say without question, or you will be punished. You are to treat me with respect if you intend to receive respect in turn. You are now in a car on your way to my home. When you arrive someone will lead you to your quarters, where you will make yourself comfortable. I will allow you 24 hours to adjust to your new environment before I introduce myself.
Your Master"

I swallowed nervously. This letter told me nothing about my new owner or what I could expect of my new life. I wondered if my Master would be as kind to me as my breeders had, or if I had a life of misery before me. I wrung my hands, dread overcoming me. I was so lost in my worried thoughts that I jumped when the door to the car open.

An older human woman smiled at me from the opening.

"Hello sugar," she spoke with a thick southern accent, "Hop on out now." She motioned with her hand for me to exit the car and I did so in a daze, overwhelmed by everything seeming to happen so fast.

She took my hand, letting my leash hang in front of me as she led me towards the front door of a literal castle. My breeders' home looked like a shack compared to this place. Stone towers loomed many stories above with pointed roofs and the entire thing was an imposing sight.

As the woman brought me into the door I only halfway comprehended her words, awestruck by the interior of the massive building. She led me to a grand staircase and we started up it when she said something that caught my attention.

"Oh and Master Arlo really is the best a human could ask for, he's so kind to all of us!" So my Master's name was Arlo, and he was apparently a good owner. I felt a glimmer of hope deep inside me. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad?

"Okay sugar, here we are!" The woman said as we arrived at a closed door. She opened the door with a flourish and revealed a lovely large bedroom, done all in cute pastel pinks. She guided me inside and said "We'll bring your breakfast up in the morning, goodnight and good luck!" as she shut the door behind me. I heard a click as it locked from the outside.

I looked around the bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on my left, with a simple comforter and some fluffy pillows. To my right was a vanity with a mirror and a wardrobe. Directly in front of me was an open door that led to what appeared to be a bathroom.

Exhausted from the stress of the whole situation, I collapsed on the bed and was asleep within minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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