Chapter 1

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Gillian's POV

I woke up early in the morning and got ready for school. I texted my friend Kaitlyn on my iPad and told her I would meet her in the cafeteria in school. She said okay and I went to eat my breakfast.

I put my bowl in the sink and went to put on my coat and shoes.

I said good-bye to my mom, dad and my little brother and went to go wait for the bus.

It was a cold morning since it was fall but it was sunny out.

I saw the bus coming up the street and I hopped on sitting in the front seat.

I arrived and school and made my way to the cafeteria going into the school and downstairs.

I spotted Kaitlyn and went over to sit next to her.

"ICE CAPS WON!" Kaitlyn yelled excitedly.

"FINALLY!" I said. I was a little embarrassed because people were looking at us but oh well. ICE CAPS FINALLY WON!

"I guess I really am their lucky charm." Kaitlyn beamed proudly.

I use to have season tickets to the game but we couldn't afford them this year and Kaitlyn went to last nights game. Before she left we were texting and we were kidding about the whole 'Kaitlyn being their lucky charm thing' but I guess it true. Maybe they will win tomorrow night even if she isn't there. If they lose I'm gonna die...

"Are Hailey and Hope here yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. I don't think anyway. Wait until you here yelling and laughing and you know their here." Kaitlyn chuckled.

We sat in a comfortable silence until soon enough we heard screaming and yelling coming from the hallway.

"Hailey and Hope are here." Kaitlyn said and right when she finished her sentence Hailey and Hope came barging into the cafeteria laughing like they always are.

They spotted us and came and sat down while people gave us odd looks and than went back to talking.

"Hi." Hailey said still giggling.

"What's up now?" Kaitlyn asked smirking.

"Hailey accidentally tripped up some guy in the hall and after saying sorry we ran down here." Hope laughed. All four of us laughed and than 'he' came in.

"Oooh. Gillian." Kaitlyn nudged me.

Alex and his little 'gang' came in heading towards the stairs. I stared at the light brown haired guy who was wearing his adorable little glasses.

"Gillian, staring is impolite." Hailey joked.

"HI ALEX!" Kaitlyn yelled. Alex shot is weird looks and I felt my cheeks heat up. We all laughed and soon it was time to go to class.

I sat down in my seat which was in the middle row and I was second last person in the row. William was behind me and he was the last person in the row.

The bell ran for home room and Mr. Simms started to take attendance. I raised my hand and said here when my name was called.

The bell rang again and it was time for social studies. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the classroom that was only to the right of my class. It was literally right next door.

Like always people made jokes about being late and stuff. I thought it was stupid but oh well.

Social studies was okay I guess. Me and Kaitlyn were passing a note and talking because she has a crush on one of the guys in our class and she doesn't know what to do about it.

We had science next. Urg.... I didn't like science that much but I tolerated it and got all of my work finished.

Mr. Cluney said we were doing a project and that we needed partners.

"Hope and Kyle. Carter and Nick. Lucas and Kai. Luke and Spencer. Kris and Connor..." I stopped listening after that. "Kaitlyn and Dante..." I looked at Kaitlyn and gave her a smirk.

She looked happy but scared. Dante is the guy she has a crush on. I turned to Dante and he looked upset and I felt angry that he didn't like Kaitlyn.

"Gillian and Alex..." Oh god...

I looked at Kaitlyn and she smirked at me like when I did her.

"Everyone get together with your partners outside of school because we won't be doing this during class. I will only be explaining what you have to do..." Mr. Cluney went on explaining the project and basically we had to build a model of an environment with stuff that would be there including plants and animals. "Go talk to your partners and discuss what your going to do for your project."

I walked cautiously over to Alex and we started talking. It was awkward.

"So..." I said after I sat down.

"What kind of project to you wanna do?" Alex asked.

"Not sure..." I said.

"What about a.... underwater theme?" Alex suggested and I nodded.

"Wanna come to my house tomorrow after school? I have hockey practice today." Alex asked.

"Sure. I don't know where you live though..." I said.

"87 Edison place." (Idk if that's a real place. I just made it up.)

"Okay. What time should I come over?" I asked playing with my ponytail a little bit.


"Sure. I'll see you than. What should I bring?"

"Can you bring some clay so we can make animals? I have paper and a box we can use." Alex said.

"Okay. See you." I said walking to Kaitlyn who was sitting with Dante.

"Hi. Can I borrow you for a second." I asked Kaitlyn and than dragged her away from everyone.

"What?" Kaitlyn asked a little annoyed that I took her away from Dante.

"I'm going to Alex's house tomorrow after school." I said excitedly.

"Congrats girl. High five." Kaitlyn said putting her hand up. We high fived and she went back over with Dante.

I went back to my seat and sat down attempting to sketch what the underwater project might look like.


I shoved my book bag in my locker and took my lunch bag out. I went to the cafeteria with Kaitlyn, Hailey and Hope.

"I don't get why you always carry your lunch bag around." Kaitlyn said. She complains about it all the time.

"I have to eat!" I said walking down the steps.

"I don't eat and I'm perfectly fine." Kaitlyn said. She doesn't really eat at all until she goes home after school. She doesn't eat breakfast and sometimes lunch if she has a bag of Doritos.

"Well I'm not you." I said and sat down at the table and unzipped my lunch bag.

"Whatever." Kaitlyn chuckled and went outside with Hailey.

Me and Hope talked for a bit until Kaitlyn and Hailey rushed into the cafeteria. They both climbed on the seat to get on the other side since the wall was blocking the way and sat next to us.

"Guess who's house I'm going to after school...!" Kaitlyn said excitedly.

"Hmmmmm.... I wonder." I said stroking my fake beard.

"Dante's." Kaitlyn squealed excitedly and than turned serious.

"I mean... Yeah... Whatever... Ya know... No big deal...." Kaitlyn couldn't help but smile and we all laughed.

The rest of lunch was us talking and walking around school being complete weirdos.

Gym was fun like always and math was boring.

Now I was on my way home excited about tomorrow.

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