💙Luner Side💙

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It was 6:25 in the morning and Criag woke up to the sound of fish splashing witch was nothing different Criag had been at Luner Side for a month now so he was used to it.
   "Come on Kitty it's a brand new day." said Criag petting his grey cat named Kitty.
He was about to get something to eat until he heard a knock at the door. When he opened the door it was a short blond little boy that he had never met be for.
   "Wow your really short." said Craig before regretting his words.
   "Um okay." the boy said in an british accent. "Sorry for being noisy I've just never seen any one here before and I come here everyday. Oh excuse my manners my name is Theodore but some people calls me teddy or Ted." said Theodore.
   "I'm Criag I've actually been here for a momth now." informed Craiged.
   "A month." mubbled Theodore. "Well that's just great! Hey you should move to Dark Day City, that's where I live. I know ot might be hard to move from a little town to the big city but trust me it'll be okay trust me." insisted Theodore.
   "Sure." agreed Criag. "I would love to move besides it's always dark here."
   "Oh that's beacuae you like near Luna lake us city folk think it's pretty but it must be same old same old for you guys." explained Theodore.
   "Wait Luna lake?" questioned Criag.
   "No Luna Lake." corrected Theodore.
   "That's what I said Luna lake." said Criag.
   "No not Luna L-U-N-E-R lake." explained Theodore.
   "Oh Luner lake." said Criag
   " Yes it's just because of my accent." explained Theodore. "Well lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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