Baby Daddy

627 13 7

word count: 1699 words

Y/n and Tom were the definition of perfect. The couple that has been together since freshman year of high school. They were eachother's first relationship, first love, first partner, and they wanted to stay together forever,

Until a baby came into the picture.

They were only 17 years old, and Tom surely didn't want it. Y/n decided that she was going to keep the child, and he wanted nothing to do with it.

"Y/n, you have to get rid of it" He whispered-yelled at her

"And why the hell should I?" She whispered-yelled back. "Just so you don't have to take care of it?"

"No matter what I wasn't going to take care of it," Tom scoffed

"Well then fuck you! I don't need your fucking help, get the fuck out of my face!" She screamed

"Y/n, you're making a scene" Tom said trying to calm her down.

She couldn't help but to scream even louder in frustration. Tears were profusley stream down her face and she quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of the school.

"Don't ever fucking call me again" She mumbled, "A-and when you wanna act like a fucking man, fucking get a piegon and let that shirt carry the fucking letter to me, I DON'T WANNA HEAR Y-YOUR FUCKING BITCH ASS VOICE AGAIN"

That was the last time Tom has seen y/n for a very long time.


Y/n couldn't help but to be depressed for the next few months. She still loved Tom, and she had no explanation as to why he would ditch her last minute. She had her parents for a little while, but then decided to kick her out because of expenses, and she had to live with her best friend. Her best friend protected her through thick and thin, and decided that once the baby was born that y/n was going to continue to live with her.

While y/n was having a hard time adjusting with her new life, Tom was not having the best time either. His parents scolded him for leaving  you at such a crucial time, without even calling to check up on how you were doing. He didn't go out much either, just stayed in his room most of the time, only out when he had classes or an audition.

Tom still had a deep love and connection for y/n

and y/n had a deep love and connection for Tom

Why didn't it work out? Y/n pondered on this question till the day her son, Josiah was born. Tom came to the birth, sitting in the back with his arms crossed. His eyes brimming with tears.

His mum, along with her best friend, stuck by her through the whole birth. After about an hour after he was born, Tom's mum and her friend, decided to get her something to eat. Tom slowly walked up to you and caressed the baby's head.

"Josiah Thomas Holland" She whispered to Tom.

"You n-named the baby after me?" Tom questioned stuttering 

"I still love you, Tom I really do" She says starting to tear up

"And I love you too y/n. I just can't handle a baby right now"

"And you think I can?"

"No one forced you to have him."

She paused.

"Get out"


"I'm serious Tom, get out. You may not want him, but he's gonna be in your life for the next 18 years. Have fun paying child support you piece of shit."

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