A New Timeline & Tests

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*Li wakes up to see she's in a new timeline she also appeared to be the same age as Neo*

A new timeline seems it is different from the one I'm from, I wonder if what master Noah said about an undead apocalypse is happening , it seems to be the date, wait if i'm here they must be here as well I have to change my name, wait there's Master Neo now.

Neo saw me and walked over but luckily for me, Neo didn't recognize me as I was now the same age as him, but he said to me 'Hey you should get inside the undead will arrive soon.'

I looked at Neo and said 'I would be inside but i'm new in town so I have nowhere to go,' he then said 'you can stay with us right Noah' Noah looked at me and said 'yeah you should come inside.'

I nodded then said 'thank you, my names Lucy by the way,' Noah then looked at me in a way of approval and said 'she is perfect for yo-' before Noah could finish Neo slapped him and Noah said 'Owwwwww!' Neo then said 'now shut up for once father.'

Noah then said 'fine,' while I just stood there laughing then another girl and boy walked outside, I could tell something was different about her from everyone here I then said to her 'Hey Vampire girl,'  she looked at me and said sounding shocked 'How did you know? Neo did you tell her?

Neo looked at the girl and said 'No I didn't tell her Amber so i don't know how she knows,' I then looked at both of them and said 'It's part of my powers I have being half wolf after all,' then Neo said 'that would explain how you know she's a vampire then Lucy,' I nodded. 

Then I saw this girl Neo called Amber looking at the boy she had walked outside with and I could feel her compelling him then said to her 'she doesn't know I can feel her compelling people when she is near me,' she turned and looked at me speechless.

I undid her compelling with my magic, which uses up my energy and then I collapsed, then Noah said 'she's like me she has a weak heart,' he put a choker around my neck monitoring my heart.

Then Neo said 'let's get her inside and put her on the spare bed in my room,' so they carried me inside to the spare bed, where I woke up a few moments later to find Neo by my bedside. 

He looked at me and said 'You're like Noah, you have a weak heart,' I remember thinking a weak heart that would explain my energy drainage and blacking out.

I then said 'Oh... thanks' while trying to stand but I couldn't support myself and Noah said 'You should rest you're still weak Lucy,' I then said 'yeah.'

Noah then said 'Mana also ran some tests on you and it came up with you have sleepwalking mind control issues, meaning you can be controlled when asleep,' I sighed saying 'Yeah I do.'

Neo then said  'You look tired, would it be ok if we ran some more tests on you while you sleep, so we can figure out how this sleep movement control works,' I nodded as I fell back to sleep.

Mana then said 'ok she's now that she is asleep her sleep movement patterns will show on the screen, this allows us to track and record her Nonverbal communication movements during her time of REM or NonREM.'

Neo looked at Mana confused then saying 'uh thanks for the information and all, but could you maybe put it in a way that a non scientifically child like myself will understand.

Mana then said 'Basically it means that we will be able to track and record her response not using words will she is in REM which stands for Rapid eye movements and non rem basically when she is sleep but not asleep.'

Neo then said 'Ohhhhhhhh right yeah,' Mana looked at both of them and said 'Neo go stand next to her and Noah tell her do something,' Noah then said 'Ok, Lucy pat Neo on the head.'

Then as I patted Neo on the head the monitor record what I did and showed it back to Mana on the screen, she then said 'hm interesting indeed, it seems we can get Lucy to willing do stuff we ask or want her to do in her sleep.' 

Noah then looked at the time and said 'it's getting i'm going to bed I have to get up tomorrow,' Neo then said 'yeah me too Mana ur staying to monitor her sleepwalking right?'  Mana nodded at him and both the boys left the room.

 Mana check to see that they had left and said 'ok let's run some more test, poke me Lucy,' I did what she said and poked her, Mana then went to her monitor to record what she had found in notes.

Then her monitor started showing my sleep pattern movement and that I was rapidly going from REM to Non REM, I sat up and the monitor showed that I was asleep but my body was responding and acting as if I was awake.

Mana then wanted to test something while the boys weren't around to see and said 'Lucy get me a drink and a sandwich while you are sleepwalk,' and out of nowhere I came back over to her while sleepwalking with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, she then said 'ok enough fun, go back to bed Lucy.

So I did what she told me and sleepwalked back to bed where the monitor showed her me entering REM again and sleep for another few hours before I woke you to see Mana sleeping at her desk with her monitor she was monitoring me on a few feet away so I covered her with a blanket.


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