Chapter 1: Drake's POV/ Prologue

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        I lost my concentration watching her. She sat scribbling down things in a notebook. I sat two seats back and to the left of her. And, I knew that we weren't taking notes in class. So, I wondered what she was writing. Her curly brown hair hung on either sides of her face. It seems dumb, but her shinned under the florecent lights. She was paying absolutly no attention to the teacher.The teacher called on her, since she noticed that the beautiful girl had no regard for her.

        We were talking about The Great Gatsby, and how Gatsby wanted to change the past for love. The teacher called her name, "Jane, would you like to give us your input on love?". That teacher was out to get her.

        "Love is over rated.", She said. My heart stopped and she continued. "Love gets in the way of true potential. With Gatsby, he could have done anything, but Daisy got in his way. Love destroys a heart if it is not taken care of." She finished her remark. The teacher stared at her heartless student. That was when I fell in love with her, and when I realized she was right. Love was over rated.

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