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Lamar Spellman

Hi my name is Lamar Spellman. I would first like to start off by saying the events in this story are true. The reality of it all people won't understand it. I am going to be telling you my story through a fantasy perspective. Growing up I was always lazy. I never wanted to do anything, I always juggled back and forth on what I wanted to do with my life. Unlike my twin brother Levon who was always creative. I couldn't see what he sees. My brother is very smart. Since he was ten years old he knew what he wanted out of life. He always had a vision of living a life free of struggle. I love my brother so much. Because of him we are successful. A couple weeks ago I almost killed him and he almost killed me. The sad thing about it is that we would never do anything like that if we were in our right state of mind.
Enough about that let me get straight to the point. This story im about to give you, you have to really read and understand. Don't pick up your phone while reading this story, put it away. Pay attention and make sure if you have any questions feel free to send us a message. We love all of our friends and family that let us heal and was patient with us. Your patience will be rewarded. All of our fans thank you for letting us share our story with you.

Levon Spellman

Hi my name is Levon Spellman. At this point in my life, things have spiraled out of control. Life is a never ending hell. We live in a world where demons are out to hurt you and use people to get closer to darkness. I am twenty years old and my story has just begun.
    Not too long ago I discovered my abilities. I am a warlock. I still have trouble coping with my abilities because no one understands me. If you talk too much you die. The less you say the better. Always remember that. I was suppose to ascend at the age of twenty-one. Unfortunately for me I received my gifts early on. They were unlocked during a party in Sulmerton. But that's another story to tell.
    I live in the busy city of Sammertale. It seems like a nice place to live until you open your eyes and realize how corrupt it is. This goes for everywhere you go. Our world is toxic. Men and women will try taking advantage of you and will love to carry their poison onto you. Individuals like that are known as poisoners. Poisoners will do anything to take you down. They usually wear black. These people I like to call the black council. When I was detained at Silver Bay facility I seen things that were unseeable. My tragic experience has left me traumatized but also left me with many gifts.
As of right now the world is going through something called the retrograde. This is the process of being directed or moving backwards. All in all people are going crazy. Or people have already been crazy and my eyes have finally opened. Days are different. People are different.
I was steered into darkness. Growing up with my dad and his girlfriend I was constantly abused. My twin brother Lamar Spellman was the golden child. My parents despise me. When I wanted freedom I was always stuck in my room. When I wanted to write a book my dads girlfriend will find it hidden under my bed and would throw it away. Should would always find a reason to beat on me. My father let a demon into our home and didn't even realize he did so. Satan uses people to attack individuals. In that case our dad's girlfriend was Satan.
Like I said my story has just begun. My life is non stop chaos. Sit down, go grab some popcorn, and ENJOY THE RIDE. 

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