It all started on a dark and rainy Saturday. A little baby named Ivy was being put to bed by her loving parents or so everyone thought. Ivy's parents never changed her diaper and only fed her enough to make sure she lived. Her parents only changer her diaper when they have company over. Ivy's parents never wanted her they only kept her because everyone they know loves babies espically Ivy. Ivy got used to not being fed enough and not having her diaper changed enough she even delt with the rashes she got from not having her diaper changed enough. Ivy learned to take care of herself at a young age. No kid espcailly at that age should have to grow up that fast or have to deal what she has to deal with. Ivy's parents got to a point they didn't want her so much that they beat her. Ivy thought this is how every kid is growing up, but she is so wrong. While all the other kids Ivy's age are outside playing with their friends Ivy is inside doing hard chours and being beat by her parents. Ivy's parents are always making up lies about Ivy and how she will get very sick if she goes outside to play with kids. Soon less and less people come over and there is no hope for Ivy to be saved. Her grandparents even stop coming over. Ivy had a good relationship with her grandparents so this killed her inside. Ivy always thought she was a bad kid and that is why people stoppped coming over her parents always told her it was her fault.
Just a quick athour note im sorry for spelling i am not the greatest speller so if you want to tell me what i spelled wrong thats fine. i love you guys byye (i did that on purpose)